Category Archives: Child Abuse

Global actions to stop Crimes by Church and State will commence in one month


Audio from:

” Officials of the Vatican, the Crown of England and other accused parties will face summary banishment and trial commencing in exactly one month if they do not abide by ten measures issued to them on May 4.

This Urgent Action Alert calls upon just men and women everywhere to prepare themselves to launch church occupations, public protests, citizens’ arrests and other direct actions beginning on September 15. The purpose of these actions will be to disestablish and bring to justice criminal organizations and their officials that have harmed, killed or exploited children or committed other crimes against humanity.

Click here for a copy of our original ultimatum to the Vatican Incorporated and its chief executive officer, Joseph Ratzinger. The same ultimatum has been issued by us to over 150 officials of the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of England, and United Church of Canada, the governments of Canada and Great Britain, and major pharmaceutical companies.

The ITCCS will lead this public campaign at the head of hundreds of volunteers and organizers in Canada, the United States, Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and Australia.

We urge the reader and our supporters everywhere to take the following five steps of preparedness:

1. Distribute an official ITCCS leaflet at Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Churches (Methodist-Presbyterian) in your community beginning Sunday, September 2. This leaflet will be issued to you by August 30.

2. Gather at least three to five other people to form a local ITCCS action group to regularly leaflet and hold protests and direct actions.

3. Volunteer to be a Citizen Juror in our International Common Law Court of Justice that will convene on September 15.

4. Arrange local media interviews and speaking engagements for ITCCS field organizer Kevin Annett.

5. Distribute this notice and all of our emails and You Tube broadcasts throughout your internet networks.

Please be clear that you will be acting within the Law when you confront churches and organizations that have harmed children and obstructed justice.

That is because after September 15, 2012, if these churches and other bodies do not respond to our Ultimatum they will be declared public enemies and will be banished from our communities. They will have lost all public and legal protection and their property will be considered free and open public space under common law jurisdiction. Their officials will face summary arrest and expulsion for aiding and protecting child rapists, and known offenders will be stripped of their office.

To enforce these actions, we are requiring that all police officers in these nine countries take a Public Oath of Service to help us protect the children of our communities by not protecting these criminal bodies, and by serving and enforcing subpoena and arrest warrants against church and corporate officials.

That is, we will be deputizing the police to obey and enforce their public oath of office, or stand down from their positions and be replaced by duly sworn Common Law Peace Officers.

Now is the time to take heart and unite in defence of our children and our liberty. We rely on each one of you to make real the hopes of the innocent.

Further updates and instructions will be issued by ITCCS Central on September 1.

The Elders, ITCCS Brussels

ITCCS Communique 15 August 2012 ”


Police State: Brazilian Schoolchildren

Not ‘tough on truancy and tough on the causes of truancy’. More like an excuse to ‘we’ll start with the kids first’.

Further to the last posting ( more ways of monitoring the chattel of The Parasites That Be.

Wont be long before Nick Rockefeller gets his wish to micro-chipped all of us.


(Image from:

Brazilian schoolchildren forced to wear tracking chips to combat truancy

Those who worry about technology eroding human rights have long predicted that it’s only a matter of time until a person’s every movement is tracked by the authorities. Now that time has come – with 20,000 Brazilian schoolchildren being “chipped.”

Children up to the age of 14 have had electronic chips implanted into their uniforms in the north-eastern city of Vitoria da Conquista. Authorities say the tracking devices will provide an easy way to combat truancy.

The students’ whereabouts are fed into a central computer when school starts. Staff are informed immediately if the child is absent, and if any student is still absent 20 minutes after lessons begin, parents receive a text message to their phones.

City education secretary Coriolano Moraes says the innovation, which cost the government $670 thousand to design, is aimed at helping parents.

“We noticed that many parents would bring their children to school but would not see if they actually entered the building because they always left in a hurry to get to work,” he told the Associated Press news agency.

But if a student misses school three times, the parents will be brought in to explain. If they fail to provide a sufficient explanation, they may be reported to the authorities, according to Moraes.

The chips are customarily placed on the inside of a sleeve, underneath an inscription that reads: “Education does not transform the world. Education changes people and people transform the world.”

Local authorities say the devices cannot be tampered with or damaged during laundry or ironing.

They are set to become compulsory in all schools in Vitoria da Conquista – and far beyond – next year, according to Moraes, “I believe we may be setting a trend because we have received many requests from all over Brazil for information on how our system works,” he said.

Image from: and


The Jarvis Family to prosecute Leeds City Council for ‘Genocide’ and ‘Crimes against humanity’

Received this via email.
Following my recent discussions with knowledgeable individuals, it appears that ‘Family Trusts’ are a way of protecting us from The State.
See Chris’ site ( for a lot for info.
Go Chris, go.

Press Release

Leeds City Council to be prosecuted for ‘Genocide’ and ‘Crimes against humanity’

In modern language usage, brought about by use within the Courts, the word “care“,  has become synonymous with the word “custody“.

A family is a group. The taking of children and moving them from one group to another is prohibited by UK and International Law, this is evidenced by the provision in UK Statute Law – International Criminal Court Act 2001 – Schedule 8 – Article 6 – Genocide (e) forcible transferring children of the group to another group

There is a forthcoming prosecution against Leeds City Council, due to evidence becoming available of the Body Corporate acting outside of any Lawful Jurisdiction, in its aim of creating a financial gain for itself, by creating a loss elsewhere, this is recognised and protected from in Law via the Fraud Act 2006.

Leeds City Council Corporate Body contains departments within.  Individual departments receive money, some for the custody of children.

If Leeds City Council departments do not spend their full budget within each financial term, they may not be eligible for a full budget the following term, if they do spend their budget, or go over budget they may become eligible for a full or increased budget the following term.

This is a target driven by money.

We intend to clearly show, using more than one example of children being removed from families, that the process  Leeds City Council have used in certain circumstances has been for their own gain, and outside of any accepted Lawful process.

Leeds City Council have been hiring the use of Circuit Judges and District Judges to sit in what looks like a Court environment, but is in effect only a room with an arbitrator, deceiving desperate parents in an attempt to take their children from them in order to fulfil their quotas.

What Leeds City Council has been doing, has nothing to do with Lawful process, or safety.

Notices of fault have been issued along with Notices of intended prosecution to relevant parties.

What we are doing is historic, and is in the Wider Public Interest, to uphold the Law.

We are all equal in Law.

Find out more information here:

For further information please contact:


Vaccines: 30 year of government lies

We, the tax-paying people, are expected to abide by ‘laws’, rules, codes, regulations, statutes, etc..
Seems that The Parasites That Be don’t!
It really is lawless out there.


Via (with Thanks):

30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids
(Posted on March 14, 2012 by childhealthsafety)

An extraordinary new paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher has dug the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.

If you want to get an idea of who is responsible for your child’s condition resulting from a vaccine adverse reaction then this is the paper to read. What you have to ask yourself is if the people on these committees are honest and honourable and acting in the best interests of British children, how is it this has been going on for at least 30 year?

This is what everyone has always known but could never prove before now. Pass this information on to others so they can see what goes on in Government health committees behind locked doors.

We quote here from the author’s summary and the paper:

Deliberately concealing information from parents for the sole purpose of getting them to comply with an “official” vaccination schedule could be considered as a form of ethical violation or misconduct. Official documents obtained from the UK Department of Health (DH) and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) reveal that the British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national vaccination program.

More at:


Welcome to the Gestapo: Brain Gerrish and Belinda Mckenzie on Hollie Greig’s Appeal (2012-03-02)

Brain Gerrish and Belinda Mckenzie give accounts of the proceedings (or the lack of).
Note the huge number of supports there.


Brian Gerrish’s reaction to the Judgement by the Royal Courts of Justice against Hollie Greig. Bill Maloney asking the questions.

My quick notes:
3 judges.
No jury.

Judges leave for 7mins, then comes back to give a 40min verdict.
This is a show trial “a pre-ordained outcome was delivered to the public”. “It was theatre”.
It was show trial in order to bring the mother and the daughter back into the family court system to shut them up.
“The central issue of the abuse of Hollie Greig was not addressed!”.
On of the alleged abuse perpetrators was in court for some of the time.
The 3 judges were out to protect a fellow judge.
The judges were highly critical of the family.
The judicial system is utterly corrupt.
No media (inc. the BBC) were not there to report on this important case. Although 3 Sky News teams were there to cover a story about Ryan Giggs (footballer) and they refused to report on this large gathering.
John Hemming MP has called for the Head of the Family Law Division to stand down.
The judiciary will protect paedophiles if they are of high (enough) status.
The State is now attacking its own people.
Sarahl Teather (Families and Children’s Minister) is refusing to answer a Freedom Of Information request for an explanation of “her responsibility for marketing and commissioning of children’s services”.
Kent County Council has spent £100,000 in actively trafficking children out of this country.
Lawyers and Barrister have made £20,000,000 per year from child cases.
“Welcome to The Gestapo “


My quick notes:
Hollie (32 years old) has been deemed not to be competent (i.e. regarded as a child) and all of her evidence as a witness has been called into question.
Shropshire County Council will try to separate Hollie and her mother. They want to put Hollie into “care”.
Hollie will probably “disappear” because she has exposed the paedophiles at the top.
Other mothers have described themselves as been ‘hunted’ for the child by social services
There is an illusion created by the main stream media that paedophiles are ‘dirty old men’ (rather than within the higher echelons of society (judges, military, police, Lords, etc.).
The UKColumn office is receiving calls every week from parents who have had their child/ren stolen from them (using perjury, falsified court papers, lies, threats and intimidations). This is happening country wide.
A family moving to a different social services departments’ catchment area (i.e. moving to a different county) will still be hounded as these departments collaborate to hunt and track them.
Comparison of cases reveals a template type of events.
The British Government is stealing, trafficking and abusing children.
Politicians, by not challenging these issues are condoning child abuse.
In Hollie’s case, every MP has been informed. Only 1 MP, John Hemming, has taken up the issue. The remainder are condoning the abuse.
Robert Green has simply been ‘put out of the way’ although there no documentation to back up his arrest.
Two weeks prior to Robert Green’s imprisonment, a man who had 50,000 pornographic images of children was given community service.
Whistle-blowers (police officers, child services staff, etc.) are coming forward.
A recent police report on child abuse (on a national basis, and know to some MPs) has been secreted away.
Some whistle-blowers have reported similar scenarios in which cases been closed (involving senior members of society).
Paedophiles are operating the very services that are supposed to help children.


My quick notes:
27th March = Robert Green’s (66th) birthday.
Hollie Greig and her mother are appealing against Shropshire County Council’s (SCC) decision to have Hollie taken into ‘care’.
SCC thinks that Hollie does not have the capacity to litigate and decide how she wants to live her life.
Hollie disputes this.
Hollie’s words have not been heard in these proceedings.
Hollie is already under a court injunction not to speak publicaly.
Of 36 requests to provide ‘expert’ witnesses, none are willing to take this case and assess Hollie.
The judges did not deem that the case has been heard properly and referred the case back to the lower courts – where Hollie has already an official solicitor appointed (she can’t have her own legal representative) Her human right have been taken away from her.
Hollie wants to stay with her mother.
It appears that there’s a “politeness” in the procedure set up to get their intended result and give the impression that justice has been done.
Hollie will not be taken away from her mother!.

See also:


Anne and Hollie Grieg: 10am, Royal Courts Of Justice 2012-03-02

This Friday, the 2nd March, Anne and Hollie Grieg are back in court in their continuing struggle to prevent Shropshire Social Services from removing Hollie from her mother.



What if you found yourself in the same position, how would you react, how would you get the help you needed… think about that whilst you watch the attached video.

Put yourself in their shoes for just two minutes.

There are now more than 10,000 children a year taken by the state with little more than heresay, lies or made up testimony to justify it. You really have to ask why, considering that many go missing whilst in their care, many it is suggested to child trafficking.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), the sole government agency to produce reports on child trafficking, has disbanded its child trafficking unit with no plans to replace it.

Watch the video and imagine it was your nightmare, not theirs. Now put yourself in their shoes and think about what you can do to help.

This video needs to be posted as far and wide as we possibly can. In every blog, on every forum, in every comments section of every newspaper and magazine, on every mobile phone and wherever else you have access, because this problem is reaching epidemic proportions in the UK.


Robert Green: Update 2 (The Shame of Aberdeen)

Thank You to:

Scotland’s Shame.

Post-independence we should call this place Paedoland.

THIS is what happens if you campaign against paedophiles.

And THIS is what happens if you get caught with over FIFTY THOUSAND indecent images of children.

I trust that all those who have visited over the years telling me how great the judiciary is will now reappear and re-confirm their faith in this filthy, perverted system.

You don’t see this in the Visit Scotland brochures, do you? “Visit Scotland and if we catch you with indecent images, you naughty boy, we’ll let you off with a slap on the wrist!”

Just who are Scotland’s judges and sheriffs protecting, and why? It looks more and more likely that Robert Green is entirely correct to suggest that paedophilia is rife amongst Scotland’s elite.



A message to all members of TNS RADIO – Seeking solutions

Please push this out far and wide
Coaches to Aberdeen – FREE ROBERT GREEN campaign.
We are co-ordinating a leaflet raid on Aberdeen… to hand out 250,000 leaflets to every man and women in Aberdeen to expose the establishment and the paedophile network that has orchestrated the phony trial of Robert Green.
We will hand out the same leaflets that Robert handed out – TO MAKE OUR POINT
We will arrange coaches from wherever they are required.
This will be a gruelling trip for many… especially from the south coast – but we MUST do this.
The authorities picked Aberdeen – because it is as far away as it is – deliberately to frustrate his supporters.
Their tactics are about to BACKFIRE SPECTACULARLY… because it will be easier for us to saturate the whole city of Aberdeen (population 200,000 approx) than virtually any other city.
We will describe our event as ‘The Shame of Aberdeen’
We will publish this event to the world’s media
This will shake the establishment to its core.
We will include reports on ‘Where were the BBC’ and ‘Who Killed Dr Kelly’
At the expense of Robert Green’s freedom – the establishment have just scored a spectacular own goal… this will resonate around the world and explode the institutional corruption and extensive paedophile networks that operate everywhere
We need coordinators on the ground to help arrange groups to travel to Aberdeen – hit the streets and SHAME the establishment into investigating this gross miscarriage of justice.
I am proposing the weekend of the 7th and 8th of April.
All those willing to help to co-ordinate coaches – please email Roger Hayes –

Please title your response Free Robert Green Campaign for ease of identifying.
We need printers
We need coaches
We need coordinators
We need webmasters
We need bloggers
We need emailers
Lets do this for Robert… but above all let’s do it for our children and the many victims of this disgusting regime.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Roger Hayes
Chairman. The British Constitution Group

I will be there.



Mother on a visit to the UK loses three children to social workers

An alarming and ever-increasing number of children are been taken into care by The State.


By Christopher Booker

In just four years, the rate at which children are being removed from their parents has far more than doubled, from 380 in January 2008 to last month’s 903. …

French mother who came to England last November with her three young daughters, for a brief visit to their father, from whom she is amicably separated. He lives with his 10-year-old daughter from a previous relationship.

The day before the mother was due to return home to France with her girls, I am told that she was having a bath while the father was downstairs cutting his eldest daughter’s hair. He accidentally cut her head slightly, drawing blood, which was noticed when she arrived at school. She explained to a teacher what had happened, with the result that social workers arrived to take her into care. The father was arrested and charged with “assault, neglect and ill-treatment”.

The mother describes how she was summoned to a police station, where she was told to sign a form she didn’t even read. This later turned out to have been a Section 20 order under the Children Act, by which parents may voluntarily put their children into care. Her girls, all under six, were taken off by social workers, and the mother was herself arrested and charged with having failed to protect the oldest girl from the “assault”, even though she was elsewhere in the house. She was given police bail and her passport was removed, so that she must remain in England at very considerable expense, to face criminal trial in April.


Shooting the Messenger: Robert Green (Imprisoned For 1 Year)

Hollie Greig and her mother Anne

Hollie Greig and her mother Anne

This is truly an evil turn of events.

For those of you may not know, Hollie Greig  is a … Well, go to her website for the full story (

Essentially, Holly is a young girl who has been systematically abused by paedophile rings from with the State. All her attempts at publising the facts, her demands for investigation and requests for justice have been met with silence, intimidation, cover-ups and corruption at all levels.

Rather than be heard by The Parasites That Be (TPTB), Robert Green (one of her ardent supporters) is being persecuted by the courts. He is now facing a year behind bars.

TPTB wont address the real issues. They would rather cover up, silence and bury the cause.


Robert received nine months for the alleged breach of the peace, and three months for breaking bail conditions.

The UK Column is appalled by the decision of Sheriff Principle Edward Bowen to jail Robert Green today in what can only be described as a huge miscarriage of justice.

Robert has been the leading campaigner in support of justice for Hollie Greig. The legal proceedings against him came as the result of his arrest for attempting to distribute leaflets while standing as a Parliamentary candidate in Aberdeen at the last General Election. Robert had been standing on the single issue of the alleged, uninvestigated, abuse of Hollie Greig while she was a child.

Elish Angiolini

Since his arrest, Robert has been subject to numerous breaches of his human rights, and repeated irregularities in the legal process, culminating in a trial presided over by a Sheriff with what seems to be a clear conflict if interest – the apparent friendship between Sheriff Bowen and Elish Angiolini. A complaint has already been lodged with the Judicial Office.

Robert has clearly been imprisoned to send a message to everyone campaigning for Hollie.

While we would like to express our concerns for Robert’s safety in a Scottish prison, we would also like to echo the sentiments of the Hollie Demands Justice campaign – this campaign will not be silenced through this type of blatant intimidation.

A press release from Hollie Demands Justice (

The Hollie Demands Justice campaign very much regrets the decision today of the Sheriff Court in Stonehaven to deprive Robert Green of his Liberty.

Despite breaches of Mr Green’s human rights and repeated irregularities in law and process by the police, the legal profession and the court system since Robert Green was first arrested in February 2010, the Sheriff Court in Stonehaven, Sheriff Principle Edward Bowen saw fit to curtail his freedom, sentencing him to 1 year in jail (9 months for Breach of the Peace, 3 months for Breach of Bail conditions).

Robert has been a most robust and valued campaigner on behalf of Hollie Greig and her mother Anne, in seeking justice for the wrongs inflicted upon Hollie, exposing the lack of a duty of care from those in positions of trust, the perjury of Grampian Police and highlighting the nefarious nature of the legal system and the Establishment in both Scotland and England.

Anne Greig said today:

Hollie and I would like to publicly thank Robert Green for his bravery, his tireless work and his dedication to Hollies cause, her search for justice. We consider ourselves most fortunate to have found such a man of principle to act and campaign on our behalf, whose selfless actions have taken him into conflict with those who would abuse their power and powerful connections to evade justice. Our disappointment with the legal system in Scotland now knows no bounds.

In our opinion Robert Green should be awarded a medal, not a criminal conviction.

It is our hope that Robert’s legal team will mount a speedy and energetic appeal on his behalf to release him from this enforced loss of his liberty that he most certainly does not deserve and we now state publicly that we will have fears for his well-being whilst in prison. We will hold responsible and accountable those who have seen fit to incarcerate him should any interference with his being or any harm befall him.

I would like to thank all the wonderful people who have supported Hollie, Robert and myself during this long and ongoing campaign, especially those who have repeatedly made the long trip to Scotland regularly giving support to Robert during his many hearings.

Both Hollie and myself extend our heartfelt wishes, our thoughts and our prayers are with Robert today.

Far from seeing the jailing of Robert as a setback, the Hollie Demands Justice campaign will be
stepping up the pressure as Anne Greig will now vigorously move forward with her High Court
appeal and is currently discussing the timing of mounting a series of private prosecutions
against those who have abused their positions of trust, many of whom have now perjured
themselves in the courts and on the public record.

This campaign will not be silenced, it will move forward relentlessly until every possible avenue is exhausted, no matter how long that takes. No stone will be left unturned until Justice is not just done, but that justice is seen to be done.


Notes for Editors:

  1. The Hollie Demands Justice campaign was founded in November 2007. The campaign website can be found at:
  2. Further details to the background of the campaign can be found in About Hollie:
  3. The background to the Trial of Robert Green is well documented in coverage by Scottish Law Reporter HERE and further coverage of the conflict of interest of Sheriff Bowen, the Hollie Greig case along with a recent investigation into the knighthood of Angiolini, apparently recommended by the Scottish Government.
  4. Further information can be requested by using the ‘Contact Us’ form on the campaign website

Feedback: Tomorrow another child will be stolen by the council

Further to an earlier post “Tomorrow another child will be stolen by the council”  (, Chris has got some feedback for us:

” The Judge decided to kick two of us out who were “not party to proceedings”.

Not before I made an application and told the Judge that we were there representing the Wider Public Interest, he then panicked, got up, to scuttle off, before he managed to leave the ‘room’. I declared that he was committing Treason, and that the ‘Trial’ did not meet with Article 6 standards of the Human Rights Act. If we were to leave because Article 6 declares that all hearings must be fair and available to the Public and if they are to be private then at least the first instance must be in Public.

What I did not address him on was the Common Law aspect, this was because he got up to leave as I was speaking to him. Under Common Law, which sits above all other Law the man’s right was to be tried before a Jury of his peers and not to be disinherited, which means that you cannot remove someones children in Law full stop, they have to give them away.

Forced Contracting is also Unlawful too.”

More info as it appears.