Category Archives: Propaganda

Heathcote Williams: Royal Babylon (rough cut) and others

For those of you who may have missed this. Get a beer, Get comfy. Put the vid on full screen. Play. You probably wont like the subject matter but you’ll love the words & pictures. It was certainly one of the best 72 minutes of my life.

Royal Babylon – The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy

Film makers Alan Cox and Margaret Cox present a video polemic using a mix of media provocation.

Will Buckingham Palace look as solid in 2034 as it does now? Words are dangerous things remember. A Republic might be brought into being by a poem
Virginia Woolf in Time and Tide, 1st December 1934

Read the poem:
Vid from:
Home site:

A two part documentary on Williams’ life:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Wikipedia entry:

Whale Nation (Lyrical litanies)


I Will Not Pay Taxes Until



The Great TV Licence Scam

Samuel William has come to a decision ….

Vid from:

” Brought to you by ‘Truth You Can Wake Up To’.

A short film by Samuel William analysing the truth behind television licensing.

This film is intended as information and not guidance.

(update – this video was removed from youtube earlier this year because of eleged copyright infringement, I filed a counter-claim and won). “

See also:


7/7 Kollerstrom and Farrell

Again, reposted in case you haven’t come across this anywhere else.

Vid from:

Kevin West’s new film has been specially made to mark the 7th anniversary of the 7th July 2005 London bombings. It includes some of the new footage released by the sham Enquiry into the bombings held in 2010/11 and the subsequent release of more disinformation about what is supposed to have happened that day.

Based on and idea by Tony Farrell, sit back and watch Tony and Nick deal a pack of cards itemising many of the key points overlooked in the discredited and chaotic so-called ‘official story’.

It is a witty, refreshing and sometimes moving reappraisal, giving emphasis to the human cost seldom explored in other films on the subject. The events of 7 7 are delivered with energy by Nick and Tony. Belinda McKenzie also lends a hand to the proceedings — a fighter for truth and justice in the world…


Pinochet documentary screening sets off riot in Chilean capital

All over the world, The People are rising up against their oppressors.
Of course there will always be a section who will fight for the status quo.

Article from:

More than two dozen people were seriously injured and 64 were arrested after a riot broke out in Santiago on Sunday during a screening of a new documentary honoring the late dictator Augusto Pinochet. …

At a nearby square, hundreds of demonstrators held what began as a peaceful protest against the Pinochet supporters. Chanting “murderer, dictator, thief,” about a hundred masked protestors rushed toward the theater, which was heavily blocked off by police.

More than 500 officers in full riot gear responded by firing tear gas and water cannon to prevent them from disrupting the screening. Officers pinned many demonstrators down during the two-hour skirmish. “The authorities who are currently in control were part of the Pinochet regime and were involved in genocide. That is why they are still trying to repress us,” said Lorena Pizarro, president of the Association of Families of Arrested and Disappeared. …

Vid from:


North Korean film exposes Western Propaganda

Well worth viewing. Nice to see an ‘outsider’s’ way of looking at us..


” On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They requested a meeting the following day to hand over a film that needed to be translated, and I agreed to meet with them. They presented me with a DVD disc that recently came into their possession via the recent arrival of a defector into their group. They asked me to translate the film and “make sure the world saw it” and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine). Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film’s extraordinary content. I have made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe the ‘defectors’ specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter. Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because – regardless of who made it – I believe people should see it for the issues it raises, and I stand by my right to keep sharing and discussing this film.


If you have questions for me or want to discuss the content further, please go to: