Category Archives: Iran

Iran, the Dollar, Oil, New Year and Qaddafi,

Anyone remember that “Qaddafi was also working to change payment for Libya’s oil away from the US dollar to the gold African dinar. This move prompted Sarkozy to call Libya ‘a threat to the financial security of Mankind’.” (

Recent history repeating itself.



Iran Is Celebrating the New Year by Ditching the Dollar

March 20th is a holiday in Iran.  It is called NOWRUZ and it’s the equivalent of New Year’s Day.  On the Iranian calendar it ties in with the vernal equinox (the first day of spring).  The holiday’s roots are based in the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism and it is considered the biggest holiday of the year in the country.

Generally the Persian New Year is celebrated by a symbolic purging of the home and spiritual representation of creation and fertility.  Families get together and traditional feasts are consumed. 

This year, though Iran is doing something a little different to celebrate the New Year and the result may be fireworks of a less than celebratory nature.

This year Iran is changing it’s policy for payment of oil.  Iran will not longer accept the US dollar and will be looking for other currencies and commodities instead.

Since 1971, OPEC oil has been exclusively quoted in dollars.  Because of this oil (aka gasoline) is currently cheaper in the United States than in any other country in the world.

Since the IRAN OIL BOURSE opened in 2005, Iran has been actively seeking alternative currencies and commodities in trade for the oil produced there.  The Bourse has directly approached Japan, Russia and China to negotiate payments in other currencies.

Not coincidentally, in 2005, the same time the Iran Oil Bourse was formed, George Bush began imposing sanctions on Iran via EXECUTIVE ORDER 13382 – Blocking Property of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators and Their Supporters.

In 2010 the United States increased its efforts to force Iran’s compliance by passing the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010.  This increased all sanctions that had currently been passed in an effort to cripple the Iranian economy.  Sanctions included punishing large investors in Iran’s petroleum business, punishing companies that traded with Iran by turning their oil into gasoline as well as companies providing shipping, insurance and financial services for the purpose of the import of gasoline into Iran, and prohibits other foreign exchange, banking and property transactions.

Basically, the US is behaving like an organized crime family and wants to put a stranglehold on the country’s economy, only allowing breath if Iran goes back to accepting the USD.  They say it’s because of nukes, though, because that is more socially acceptable.

The efforts of the United States seem to have only increased Iran’s efforts to be free of the US dollar.  Iran has set the date of March 20, 2012 as the day that they will only accept the yen, the rupee, the euro, the yuan and baskets of currency (currency portfolios).

This stand threatens to crumble the USD’s status as the world’s reserve currency, which could be the final nail in the coffin of the American economy. If the USD is no longer the OPEC measure for oil prices, we will no longer pay the lowest price in the world for gasoline.  Our already wheezing economy will collapse as the price of fuel sky-rockets, effectively increasing the price of everything else.

Of course, Americans don’t like sending their sons and daughters off to be killed in a war over money/oil.  That’s why the US is taunting Iran by flying surveillance aircraft in their airspace, sending troops to all surrounding areas and insinuating carriers into the Strait of Hormuz, Iranian waters, despite Iran’s calls for them to stop.

The United States is trying to trigger an incident that will allow a direct attack on Iran.  If they can’t trigger such an incident they may well create one and just blame it on Iran.  From our President we will hear speeches full of bluster and false patriotism.  The United States doesn’t want to look like the bad guy, so they are attempting to provoke a reaction from Iran by encroaching very uncomfortably on Iran’s space.  Our media propaganda machine is preparing us by informing us of the terrifying threat of Iran’s potential weapons of mass destruction.  This is all in an effort to get the American people behind this attack.

March 20 is approaching quickly and the United States is running out of time.  Iran has come up with ways to work around the US sanctions and is planning to claim independence from the USD on their new year.

The United States will assert dominance over Iran before this happens, and with alarming brutality – remember Bush’s shock and awe?  We’ll hear from the mainstream media that it’s for our own protection – that a terrorist act was committed against us by Iran – that a nuclear weapon has surfaced and is pointed our way – anything but the real reason.

As I discussed a couple of days ago, a  likely date for the attack is March 8, the Jewish holiday of vengeance Purim which also conveniently coincides with the FBI’s planned takedown of the internet.    The US, the wealthy, the bankers, AIPAC and the elite must stop Iran from making this change or the economy that is precariously stacked up like a pile of Jenga blocks will topple. The wealthy 1% has even more to lose than the rest of us.

Don’t be fooled.  It may be too late to stop this from happening but be aware of the real reason.

Again, the United States will be trading blood for oil.


Iran Is Not Our Enemy

I see another Iraq.
I see another Afghanistan.
I see another …

I see more more men, women & children suffering and dying.



10 Most Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran

Absurd? Irony? The Truth?

The US Military Complex, the US Mega-Corporations and The US Government have invaded and raped Iraq & Afghanistan with impunity.

What hope is there for Iran? What hope is there for the world?

Millions more will suffer.



Reasons to Attack Iran

By leading anti-war activist David Swanson, author of Day Break and War Is A Lie, who runs the websites and (formerly

1. Iran has threatened to fight back if attacked, and that’s a war crime. War crimes must be punished.

2. My television says Iran has nukes. I’m sure it’s true this time. Just like with North Korea. I’m sure they’re next. We only bomb places that really truly have nukes and are in the Axis of Evil. Except Iraq, which was different.

3. Iraq didn’t go so badly. Considering how lousy its government is, the place is better off with so many people having left or died. Really, that one couldn’t have worked out better if we’d planned it.

4. When we threaten to cut off Iran’s oil, Iran threatens to cut off Iran’s oil, which is absolutely intolerable. What would we do without that oil? And what good is buying it if they want to sell it?

5. Iran was secretly behind 9-11. I read it online. And if it wasn’t, that’s worse. Iran hasn’t attacked another nation in centuries, which means its next attack is guaranteed to be coming very soon.

6. Iranians are religious nuts, unlike Israelis and Americans. Most Israelis don’t want to attack Iran, but the Holy Israeli government does. To oppose that decision would be to sin against God.

7. Iranians are so stupid that when we murder their scientists they try to hire a car dealer in Texas to hire a drug gang in Mexico to murder a Saudi ambassador in Washington, and then they don’t do it — just to make us look bad for catching them.

7. b. Oh, and stupid people should be bombed. They’re not civilized.

8. War is good for the U.S. economy, and the Iranian economy too. Troops stationed in Iran would buy stuff. And women who survived the war would have more rights. Like in Virginia. We owe Iranians this after that little mishap in 1953.

9. This is the only way to unite the region. Either we bomb Iran and it swears its eternal love to us. Or, if necessary, we occupy Iran to liberate it like its neighbors. Which shouldn’t take long. Look how well Afghanistan is going already.

10. They won’t give our drone back. Enough said.


All Came True: Ron Paul’s 2002 Predictions

Ron Paul’s 10 year old predictions have eerily become reality.

Maybe he sees the patterns of goverment policy repeating themselves.


This is Ron Paul’s famous Predictions speech from April 24, 2002. This is the original video compiling recent images and video to give his speech a chilling effect.

“I have no timetable for these predictions, but just in case, keep them around and look at them in 5-10 years. Let’s hope and pray that I’m wrong on all accounts. If so, I will be very pleased.”


Council on Foreign Relations: “Time to Attack Iran”

2012: more pain, suffering, misery and death. For thopse of you who may not be aware, the CFR is another highly-influential & unelected group of elitist dictating US governmental policy. Check it out.


“Why a Strike Is the Least Bad Option”

The highly influential Council on Foreign Relations (aka CFR) declared this month in their online publication “Foreign Affairs” that it is now time to attack Iran.


Britain to back US reprisals against Iran

From: Yahoo! News (

The US has alleged that Iran conspired to “assassinate a foreign ambassador on US soil with explosives“.

Of course, facts are scarce and the rhetoric is aplenty. I wouldn’t usually post such an blog. However, to me, this all sounds like the start of another round of false-flag propoganda to start a war with Iran.

Iran may not be the haven enlightenment. Nor is Britain and the US.

The comments on the article are more interesting than the article:

Iran has been surrounded (almost) by US troops and their friends for quite a while. In fact it has been clear for some considerable time that the US’s ultilate goal is Iran“,

Ah, the propaganda machine is back in full flow after the digression that was Libya. We’re back on track now“, and

Here we go again…………………“.