Author Archives: Escapees Blog

About Escapees Blog

Although this blog is open to everyone, I don't expect anyone to read it. This blog is intended to be a my scrapbook of articles. ............................... As of end of 2012, I've lost all hope for positive change before Global Goverence becomes a reality. Hopefully, I'll be dead before you get there. I'm now a misanthrope. Looking after myself, saving every penny and planning to emigrate to particular country in the southern hemisphere. There's no hope, all is lost, look after only you and yours. Get out of Europe. Good Luck.

UK Police Officers Oath: Hierarchy of Law

More on the TPTB’s dirty tricks (Constables’ Oath, The Crown, Common Law, the Human Entity, Legal Person, Birth Certificates, Contracts, Passports, Commercial Law, etc.).

Vid from:

Thanks to:

” Your individual human sovereignty within the Hierarchy of British Law. The men & women who have sworn oaths to uphold authority and keep peace & fairness within the land of the United Kingdom. This video explains the oath of the Police Officer. “


Surviving the future: 10 Things To Do – NOW!

It matters not if an asteroid hits the Earth or the economic collapses or a pandemic flu engulf the world or ….. or ….. .

A major emergency can cause anything from mild inconvenience to total societal breakdown.

What does matter is how you will look after yourself and your loved ones.Here’s the key points:

  1. Learn New Skills
  2. Improve Your Health
  3. Store Backup Food
  4. Create a How-To Library
  5. Start a Side Business
  6. Gather Trade-able Goods
  7. Build Community Alliances
  8. Alternative Energy
  9. Water Purification
  10. Love & Appreciate

From: by

” A quick overview of the Top Ten things to consider in preparing for Surviving 2012.

Check out NewAmericaNow Radio nightly Alternative News at 8pm EST!home/mainPage

My Blog:

Follow me on Twitter at and Facebbok at for daily news from around the world.

Inspired by the article:


What Money Should Be: Sustainable Man Vs. The Federal Reserve

As Old Holborn has said: Money is the crystallisation of labour.

Vid from:

” Comedian Louis C.K., Activist Peter Joseph, and Euro Co-Architect Bernard Lietaer break down and expose the big bad joke that is The Federal Reserve, with help from the self-incriminating former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and former Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn.

“Our potential as humans is infinite– let us not limit ourselves through the medium of exchange. It’s time to wake up.” – Bernard Lietaer

For more information about Mutual Credit Systems, we recommend strongly the book “The End of Money and The Future of Civilization” by Thomas H. Greco Jr. Also, there is some good information at his website:


The First 12 Hours of a US Dollar Collapse

A preview of what the first 12 hours of a US dollar collapse may look like

Vid from:


Heathcote Williams: Royal Babylon (rough cut) and others

For those of you who may have missed this. Get a beer, Get comfy. Put the vid on full screen. Play. You probably wont like the subject matter but you’ll love the words & pictures. It was certainly one of the best 72 minutes of my life.

Royal Babylon – The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy

Film makers Alan Cox and Margaret Cox present a video polemic using a mix of media provocation.

Will Buckingham Palace look as solid in 2034 as it does now? Words are dangerous things remember. A Republic might be brought into being by a poem
Virginia Woolf in Time and Tide, 1st December 1934

Read the poem:
Vid from:
Home site:

A two part documentary on Williams’ life:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Wikipedia entry:

Whale Nation (Lyrical litanies)


I Will Not Pay Taxes Until



Global actions to stop Crimes by Church and State will commence in one month


Audio from:

” Officials of the Vatican, the Crown of England and other accused parties will face summary banishment and trial commencing in exactly one month if they do not abide by ten measures issued to them on May 4.

This Urgent Action Alert calls upon just men and women everywhere to prepare themselves to launch church occupations, public protests, citizens’ arrests and other direct actions beginning on September 15. The purpose of these actions will be to disestablish and bring to justice criminal organizations and their officials that have harmed, killed or exploited children or committed other crimes against humanity.

Click here for a copy of our original ultimatum to the Vatican Incorporated and its chief executive officer, Joseph Ratzinger. The same ultimatum has been issued by us to over 150 officials of the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of England, and United Church of Canada, the governments of Canada and Great Britain, and major pharmaceutical companies.

The ITCCS will lead this public campaign at the head of hundreds of volunteers and organizers in Canada, the United States, Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and Australia.

We urge the reader and our supporters everywhere to take the following five steps of preparedness:

1. Distribute an official ITCCS leaflet at Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Churches (Methodist-Presbyterian) in your community beginning Sunday, September 2. This leaflet will be issued to you by August 30.

2. Gather at least three to five other people to form a local ITCCS action group to regularly leaflet and hold protests and direct actions.

3. Volunteer to be a Citizen Juror in our International Common Law Court of Justice that will convene on September 15.

4. Arrange local media interviews and speaking engagements for ITCCS field organizer Kevin Annett.

5. Distribute this notice and all of our emails and You Tube broadcasts throughout your internet networks.

Please be clear that you will be acting within the Law when you confront churches and organizations that have harmed children and obstructed justice.

That is because after September 15, 2012, if these churches and other bodies do not respond to our Ultimatum they will be declared public enemies and will be banished from our communities. They will have lost all public and legal protection and their property will be considered free and open public space under common law jurisdiction. Their officials will face summary arrest and expulsion for aiding and protecting child rapists, and known offenders will be stripped of their office.

To enforce these actions, we are requiring that all police officers in these nine countries take a Public Oath of Service to help us protect the children of our communities by not protecting these criminal bodies, and by serving and enforcing subpoena and arrest warrants against church and corporate officials.

That is, we will be deputizing the police to obey and enforce their public oath of office, or stand down from their positions and be replaced by duly sworn Common Law Peace Officers.

Now is the time to take heart and unite in defence of our children and our liberty. We rely on each one of you to make real the hopes of the innocent.

Further updates and instructions will be issued by ITCCS Central on September 1.

The Elders, ITCCS Brussels

ITCCS Communique 15 August 2012 ”


Fiat Money Explained in 4 minutes

Vid from:

” What is Fiat money, how does it relate to the federal reserve, and more importantly, how does it affect YOU?. These questions and more are answered in this short clip.

Despite every effort by governments, the gap between rich and poor continues to grow. It is now the biggest it has even been in history. All sorts of reasons for this have been proffered, but few, however, seem to realize that is a simple, inevitable consequence of our system of money and credit. “

See also:



The (Secret) City of London: History

This part 1 of C. G. P. Grey’s series.

Vid from:

Transcript (from

The Great City of London, known for its historical landmarks, modern skyscrapers, ancient markets and famous bridges. It’s arguably the financial capital of the world and home to over eleven thousand people.

Wait, what? Eleven… thousand?

That’s right: but the City of London is a different place from London — though London is also known for its historical landmarks, modern skyscrapers, ancient markets, famous bridges and is home to the government, royal family and seven million people.

But, if you look map of London crafted by a careful cartographer that map will have a one-square mile hole near the middle — it’s here where the City of London lives inside of the city named London.

Despite these confusingly close names the two Londons have separate city halls and elect separate mayors, who collect separate taxes to fund separate police who enforce separate laws.

The Mayor of the City of London has a fancy title ‘The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London’ to match his fancy outfit. He also gets to ride in a golden carriage and work in a Guildhall while the mayor of London has to wear a suite, ride a bike and work in an office building.

The City of London also has its own flag and its own crest which is awesome and makes London’s lack of either twice as sad.

To top it off the City of London gets to act more like one of the countries in the UK than just an oddly located city — for uniquely the corporation that runs the city of London is older than the United Kingdom by several hundred years.

So how did the UK end up with two Londons, one inside of the other? Because: Romans.

2,000 years ago they came to Great Britain, killed a bunch of druids, and founded a trading post on the River Thames and named it Londonimium. Being Romans they got to work doing what Romans do: enforcing laws, increasing trade, building temples, public baths, roads, bridges and a wall to defend their work.

And it’s this wall which is why the current City of London exists — for though the Romans came and the Romans went and kingdoms rose and kingdoms fell, the wall endured protecting the city within. And The City, governing itself and trading with the world, grew rich.

A thousand years after the Romans (yet still a thousand years ago) when William the Conqueror came to Great Britain to conqueror everything and begin modern british history he found the City of London, with its sturdy walls more challenging to defeat than farmers on open fields.

So he agreed to recognize the rights and privileges City of Londoners were used to in return for the them recognizing him as the new King.

Though after the negotiation, William quickly built towers around the City of London which were just as much about protecting William from the locals within as defending against the Vikings from without.

This started a thousand-year long tradition whereby Monarchs always reconfirmed that ‘yes’ the City of London is a special, unique place best left to its own business, while simultaneously distrusting it.

Many a monarch thought the City of London was too powerful and rich. And one even built a new Capital city nearby, named Westminster, to compete with the City of London and hopefully, suck power and wealth away from it. This was the start of the second London.

As the centuries passed, Westminster grew and merged with nearby towns eventually surrounding the walled-in, and still separate City of London. But, people began to call the whole urban collection ‘London’ and the name became official when Parliament joined towns together under a single municipal government with a mayor.

But, the mayor of London still doesn’t have power over the tiny City of London which has rules and traditions like nowhere else in the country and possibly the world.

For example, the ruling monarch doesn’t just enter the City of London on a whim, but instead asks for permission from the Lord Mayor at a ceremony. While it’s not required by law, the ceremony is, unusual to say the least.

The City of London also has a representative in Parliament, The Remembrancer, whose job it is to protects the City’s special rights.

Because of this, laws passed by Parliament sometimes don’t apply to the City of London: most notably voting reforms, which we’ll discuss next time. But if you’re curious, unlike anywhere else in the UK elections in the City of London involve Medieval Guilds and modern companies.

Finally, the City of London also owns and operates land and buildings far outside its border, making it quite wealthy.

Once you start looking for The City’s Crest you’ll find it in lots of places, but most notably on Tower Bridge which, while being in London is operated by City of London,

These crests everywhere when combined with the City of London’s age and wealth and quazi-independent status make it an irresistible temptation for conspiracy nuts. Add in the oldest Masonic temple and it’s not long before the crazy part of the Internet yelling about secret societies controlling the world via the finance industry from inside the City-state of London. (And don’t forget the reptilian alien Queen who’s really behind it all.)

But conspiracy theories aside, the City of London is not an independent nation like the Vatican is, no matter how much you might read it on the Internet, rather it’s a unique place in the United Kingdom with a long and complicated history.

The wall that began all this 2,000 years ago is now mostly gone — so the border between London and its secret inner city isn’t so obvious. Though, next time you’re in London, if you come across a small dragon on the street, he still guards the entrance to the city in a city in a country in a country.

Notes & Corrections:
At 1:56 since the characters are in (what will be) England I should have had them say say ‘recognise’ not ‘recognize’
3:49 The Freemason’s Hall is actually a couple streets just outside the border of the City of London.


US government proposes law making it illegal for them to kill you

Madness indeed.

Vid from:

See also:


US government proposes law making it illegal for them to kill you

Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to ‘prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens’ by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

Now if this doesn’t give one reason to pause and consider the distortions of liberty that have taken place in western civilization, I don’t know what will. Think about it:

Does a free society send government hit men to eliminate anyone they perceive to be an enemy of the state?

Does a free society have hundreds of police agencies, each with the authority to deprive a man of his life, liberty and property in their sole discretion?

Does a free society have hundreds of thousands of laws, codes, rules, regulations, and policies which effectively criminalize nearly every aspect of one’s existence?

Does a free society lead the world in prison population?

Does a free society hunt down criminals and terrorists by treating its citizens like criminals and terrorists?

Does a free society tell its citizens what foods they are / are not allowed to consume?

Does a free society steal your money at gunpoint to buy bombs that they drop by remote control on brown people in faraway lands?

Does a free society debase its currency and plunder the purchasing power of its citizens?

Does a free society saddle unborn generations with obligations they never signed up to bear?

Does a free society award near total control of the economy, the money supply, and everything tied to it, to a tiny elite few?

Does a free society brainwash its citizens into believing that they live in a free society? (at least the Chinese know they’re not free…)

Ask yourself, are you really living in a free society? Are you free? If not, why not? What else could possibly be more important?

It takes courage to answer honestly. But once you realize the truth and begin to see the system for what it is, it can be a liberating and life-changing experience.

You’ll find that there are places where you can live free in this world. There are ways to preserve your dignity, your privacy, your livelihood. You’ll find that you can build great camaraderie and mutual trust with like-minded souls because you share the same values, not the same color passport.

My guess is that you’re reading this because you’ve already started down the road to freedom. But you might feel alone… intellectually isolated in a sea of automatons.

You’re not alone. More and more people are waking up every day and beginning to realize the incredible fraud that has been perpetrated against them. When enough of them figure it out, this system will be finished.

That’s why I fundamentally believe that today is one of the most exciting times to be alive since the French Revolution. And we’re just getting warmed up.

If you have any friends or loved ones who still exemplify that self-deluded, bombastic serf mentality, I encourage you to pass this along to them… and challenge them to answer honestly.


Printers, light bulbs, iPods, ant-growth and planned obsolescence.

The Lightbulb Conspiracy

Whatever happened to the everlasting lightbulb? This is the story of companies that engineer their products to fail.

There once was a time when consumer goods were built to last. Then, in the 1920’s, a group of businessmen realised that the longer their product lasted, the less money they made, thus ‘planned obsolescence’ was born, and manufacturers have been engineering products to fail ever since.

The current throwaway climate – where the latest technology is outdated after a year and electronics are cheaper to replace than to repair – is the basis for economic growth. But infinite consumption is unsustainable with finite resources. With the economy crumbling and consumers becoming increasingly resistant to the practice, has planned obsolescence reached the end of its own life?

Combining investigative research and rare archive footage with analysis by those working on ways to save both the economy and the environment, this documentary charts the creation of ‘engineering to fail’, its rise to prominence and its recent fall from grace.

Vid from:

See also:
