Category Archives: City of London

UK Police Officers Oath: Hierarchy of Law

More on the TPTB’s dirty tricks (Constables’ Oath, The Crown, Common Law, the Human Entity, Legal Person, Birth Certificates, Contracts, Passports, Commercial Law, etc.).

Vid from:

Thanks to:

” Your individual human sovereignty within the Hierarchy of British Law. The men & women who have sworn oaths to uphold authority and keep peace & fairness within the land of the United Kingdom. This video explains the oath of the Police Officer. “


The (Secret) City of London: History

This part 1 of C. G. P. Grey’s series.

Vid from:

Transcript (from

The Great City of London, known for its historical landmarks, modern skyscrapers, ancient markets and famous bridges. It’s arguably the financial capital of the world and home to over eleven thousand people.

Wait, what? Eleven… thousand?

That’s right: but the City of London is a different place from London — though London is also known for its historical landmarks, modern skyscrapers, ancient markets, famous bridges and is home to the government, royal family and seven million people.

But, if you look map of London crafted by a careful cartographer that map will have a one-square mile hole near the middle — it’s here where the City of London lives inside of the city named London.

Despite these confusingly close names the two Londons have separate city halls and elect separate mayors, who collect separate taxes to fund separate police who enforce separate laws.

The Mayor of the City of London has a fancy title ‘The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of London’ to match his fancy outfit. He also gets to ride in a golden carriage and work in a Guildhall while the mayor of London has to wear a suite, ride a bike and work in an office building.

The City of London also has its own flag and its own crest which is awesome and makes London’s lack of either twice as sad.

To top it off the City of London gets to act more like one of the countries in the UK than just an oddly located city — for uniquely the corporation that runs the city of London is older than the United Kingdom by several hundred years.

So how did the UK end up with two Londons, one inside of the other? Because: Romans.

2,000 years ago they came to Great Britain, killed a bunch of druids, and founded a trading post on the River Thames and named it Londonimium. Being Romans they got to work doing what Romans do: enforcing laws, increasing trade, building temples, public baths, roads, bridges and a wall to defend their work.

And it’s this wall which is why the current City of London exists — for though the Romans came and the Romans went and kingdoms rose and kingdoms fell, the wall endured protecting the city within. And The City, governing itself and trading with the world, grew rich.

A thousand years after the Romans (yet still a thousand years ago) when William the Conqueror came to Great Britain to conqueror everything and begin modern british history he found the City of London, with its sturdy walls more challenging to defeat than farmers on open fields.

So he agreed to recognize the rights and privileges City of Londoners were used to in return for the them recognizing him as the new King.

Though after the negotiation, William quickly built towers around the City of London which were just as much about protecting William from the locals within as defending against the Vikings from without.

This started a thousand-year long tradition whereby Monarchs always reconfirmed that ‘yes’ the City of London is a special, unique place best left to its own business, while simultaneously distrusting it.

Many a monarch thought the City of London was too powerful and rich. And one even built a new Capital city nearby, named Westminster, to compete with the City of London and hopefully, suck power and wealth away from it. This was the start of the second London.

As the centuries passed, Westminster grew and merged with nearby towns eventually surrounding the walled-in, and still separate City of London. But, people began to call the whole urban collection ‘London’ and the name became official when Parliament joined towns together under a single municipal government with a mayor.

But, the mayor of London still doesn’t have power over the tiny City of London which has rules and traditions like nowhere else in the country and possibly the world.

For example, the ruling monarch doesn’t just enter the City of London on a whim, but instead asks for permission from the Lord Mayor at a ceremony. While it’s not required by law, the ceremony is, unusual to say the least.

The City of London also has a representative in Parliament, The Remembrancer, whose job it is to protects the City’s special rights.

Because of this, laws passed by Parliament sometimes don’t apply to the City of London: most notably voting reforms, which we’ll discuss next time. But if you’re curious, unlike anywhere else in the UK elections in the City of London involve Medieval Guilds and modern companies.

Finally, the City of London also owns and operates land and buildings far outside its border, making it quite wealthy.

Once you start looking for The City’s Crest you’ll find it in lots of places, but most notably on Tower Bridge which, while being in London is operated by City of London,

These crests everywhere when combined with the City of London’s age and wealth and quazi-independent status make it an irresistible temptation for conspiracy nuts. Add in the oldest Masonic temple and it’s not long before the crazy part of the Internet yelling about secret societies controlling the world via the finance industry from inside the City-state of London. (And don’t forget the reptilian alien Queen who’s really behind it all.)

But conspiracy theories aside, the City of London is not an independent nation like the Vatican is, no matter how much you might read it on the Internet, rather it’s a unique place in the United Kingdom with a long and complicated history.

The wall that began all this 2,000 years ago is now mostly gone — so the border between London and its secret inner city isn’t so obvious. Though, next time you’re in London, if you come across a small dragon on the street, he still guards the entrance to the city in a city in a country in a country.

Notes & Corrections:
At 1:56 since the characters are in (what will be) England I should have had them say say ‘recognise’ not ‘recognize’
3:49 The Freemason’s Hall is actually a couple streets just outside the border of the City of London.


7/7 Kollerstrom and Farrell

Again, reposted in case you haven’t come across this anywhere else.

Vid from:

Kevin West’s new film has been specially made to mark the 7th anniversary of the 7th July 2005 London bombings. It includes some of the new footage released by the sham Enquiry into the bombings held in 2010/11 and the subsequent release of more disinformation about what is supposed to have happened that day.

Based on and idea by Tony Farrell, sit back and watch Tony and Nick deal a pack of cards itemising many of the key points overlooked in the discredited and chaotic so-called ‘official story’.

It is a witty, refreshing and sometimes moving reappraisal, giving emphasis to the human cost seldom explored in other films on the subject. The events of 7 7 are delivered with energy by Nick and Tony. Belinda McKenzie also lends a hand to the proceedings — a fighter for truth and justice in the world…


Roger Hayes Arrested, Tried In Secret Court & Imprisoned

See the original article from:


Back in early February 2012, Roger gave a talk on the Lawful Bank to Manchester We Are Change (see:

At about 1:13:19 I stated obvious: “You’re the ringleader – THEY’ll do you in.”.

Well, it seems like THEY are trying to start the process.


michael of bernicia – Beating the Banksters

Although I’ll not get a chance to look at this for a few days, I think some readers may want to know that about it ASAP.


michael of bernicia gives a presentation to a Freedom North West meeting on the 21st of March 2012.

Michael tells how he stopped paying tax, the current fight against the mortgage fraud, fighting his child’s birth registration and potent alternative cures for all forms of ailments and disease.

Michael also goes into depth about the real history of Britain and Ireland explaining the hidden secret of a comet striking Britain in in the Dark ages leading to Britain being uninhabited for years after…


Lawful Bank: A Kentish Perspective

Manchester already has 2 local bank branches
Here, in Leeds we are moving towards another two.

Stephen Henderson from Kent Freedom Movement tells us of the benefits.

From (with many thanks):

… I thought the Lawful Bank meeting last Thursday was the best I’ve seen so far and the strongest when it comes to offering a realistic alternative to the system. I think that the Lawful Bank provides the ground work for this movement because it gives it credibility and shows the public that we are not just trying to expose how corrupt the system is but to rather show them a different way we can live. If we are going up against the well-planned, well-organised and well-presented New World Order we need to counter that by becoming a well-planned, well-organised and well-presented alternative so that the masses can look at us and take this movement seriously.

The Lawful Bank can offer the platform for a new type of government or plan that can be accepted by the public and can eventually make the Monarchy and the Houses of Parliament insignificant. Now in regards to the Kent Freedom Movement I feel we have a huge part to play in making this a reality and with the great work Deborah, Chris and the rest are doing I have no doubt this movement will become unstoppable. I was speaking with fellow KFM member Tom a couple of weeks ago and we thought that to take the movement to the next level that we as a group should start to set up a ‘KFM Council’ which I will explain more in my next blog which will really get into how it would work. I have a lot of faith in this movement and I hope to become a key part of this group from which I’m going to try and dedicate as my time as I can to this because although we maybe the minority, its only the minority who are remembered throughout history and I know that we will all take are place in history as those who defeated the New World Order !


Betrayal: Occupy London, City of London, St Paul’s Cathedral and Jesus

It matter nought what you think of religion or the Occupy Movement.
It matters what you think of the ‘money-changers’
This is what Jesus did:

Mark 11:15-19 And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. And he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. And he was teaching them and saying to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” And the chief priests and the scribes heard it and were seeking a way to destroy him, for they feared him, because all the crowd was astonished at his teaching. And when evening came they went out of the city.

John 2:13-16 The Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.”


“No one from St Paul’s Cathedral was available to comment.”


Ian Puddick, Operation Bohan & The City of London Police


Chris Plumley Channel 4 Dispatches new film How Power Corrupts.

The film exposes institutional Police Corruption at City of London Police at senior level.

The film questions why officers from the Counter Terrorism Directorate made misleading statements in court under oath and the questionable relationship between City of London Police and elite global security giant Kroll.

The same Kroll whom effectively took control and lead COLP Counter Terrorism Directorate ‘Operation BOHAN’, an operation costing over £1,000,000 to censor Ian Puddicks website –

The film will show documents used in court which name senior officers at City of London Police whom were only to happy to comply with Kroll’s requests to silence Ian Puddick.

Michael Wolkind QC interviewed for the film confirmed that Police Corruption is an issue that is rarely reported and that the public are not aware of how the Police behave in court.

Asked by Chris Plumley if in this case it was just a few bad apples spoiling the barrel, Michael Wolkind QC replied ‘it was a matter of looking in the barrel for a good apple’.

Detective Constable Colin Dawson Counter Terrorism Directorate told Ian, Operation BOHAN was instigated and managed at the very top of City of London Police

Police Corruption

Detective Sergeant John Christopher Ellis City of London Police Counter Terrorism Directorate told the court under oath that he found Class A Crack Cocaine/Paraphernalia throughout the property during a search of Ian’s property there were approx 14 other officers involved in the search.

However Sergeant Ellis when questioned on the matter, said that he forgot to confiscate the Cocaine/ Paraphernalia.

He (Detective Sergeant John Christopher Ellis) didn’t mention it to the other officers whom were with him, he didn’t make a note of it in his note book, nor did he tell his boss. He just remembered the finding the drugs cache whilst in court.


Ian has had a very rough ride. Through his staunch wherewithal and conviction, Ian has managed to  have beat The Parasites That Be.

See also: and

Remember Robert Green, Norman Scarth, etc.?

Anyone mention Freemasons?


Proclamation of Liberty – Republic of Kanata

This applies to us, here in the UK.



A Public Proclamation of Liberty – from the Republic of Kanata

In November, 2009, exactly one half of Canadians surveyed in a national poll declared their desire to be part of a new Republic, and abolish all ties to the so-called Crown of England.

We take our stand with that half of our fellow citizens who long for self-government and sovereignty, and proclaim that the long, dark colonial legacy of dependence and legal enslavement to a foreign power must end forever in Canada.

We will no longer be ruled from afar by an unaccountable and privileged elite, by a fictitious jurisdictional authority that claims sole possession of our lands and wealth, and which has been responsible for grave and ongoing crimes against the peoples of our different founding nations.

We proclaim that every man and woman of Canada has an equal, inherent and inalienable right to life, to liberty, and to the land, wealth and prosperity of our nation. The earth has been given as an equal bounty for all of us to share, according to the Great Natural Law of Equality and Peace given us by our Creator.

It is the solemn duty of every citizen to ensure this Great Law and be the active defenders of the inherent liberties granted to them by life and the Creator: liberties which no authority can violate, debase or nullify. Only a sovereign Republic established under the rule of Common Law and maintained by an active and enlightened people can ensure such a happy and free regime.

We hereby proclaim that this sovereign Republic shall be established according to its own common law institutions and courts under a mandate given to it by a popular and general referendum held across Canada, in which every man and woman sixteen years of age and older shall participate.

We call upon all patriots and lovers of liberty across our nations to unite under our banner to reclaim the land and wealth of Canada, and construct new common law institutions that shall ensure prosperity, equality and justice for all of our people.

A Program for Liberation and Sovereignty

The Republic of Kanata shall enact an immediate program of social reclamation and recovery that will:

  1. Place all of the water, lands and resources of Kanata under the authority of a public trust.
  2. Cancel all debts and mortgages.
  3. Place all banks, credit and the money supply under public ownership.
  4. Abolish all income tax.
  5. Impose a 100% tax on all wealth gained by inheritance, interest and speculation.
  6. Collect all back taxes owed by corporations and the wealthy, and impose a special tax on the super wealthy and on large corporations.
  7. Socialize basic services like health and medicine, education, transportation and housing, and make these essential needs freely available to all people.
  8. Lower the voting age to sixteen.
  9. Make all public officials electable and recallable by a simple majority of their local constituents.
  10. Allow any indigenous nation to legally secede from the Republic of Kanata or remain as a member of its federated Republic.
  11. Abolish land speculation and commercial trading in land.
  12. Restrict and regulate foreign ownership of the economy.
  13. Phase out nuclear power and the uranium industry, develop wind, solar and tidal energy industries, and abolish the sale and commercialization of water.
  14. Separate church and state: abolish funding for separate religious schools and all oaths and religious functions connected to the state, extend taxation to all church and religious organizations, and revoke diplomatic recognition of the Vatican. Revoke the special protection of clergy and the “blasphemous libel” provisions of the Criminal Code.
  15. End all foreign military alliances and entanglements.

Attack on the London Olympics 2012

IF anyone is going to try this, shouldn’t they be targeting The City of London at another time?
Further, would the illuminati plan anything like this so close to the City of London?

Watch the vid and make up you own minds.


London Olympics Attack 2012

“Share If You Care. Information about the possibility of a nuclear or dirty bomb explosion at the London Olympics 2012. Share if you care the people in Europe, England, London, and All attending London Olympics 2012.”