Category Archives: Slaves

UK Police Officers Oath: Hierarchy of Law

More on the TPTB’s dirty tricks (Constables’ Oath, The Crown, Common Law, the Human Entity, Legal Person, Birth Certificates, Contracts, Passports, Commercial Law, etc.).

Vid from:

Thanks to:

” Your individual human sovereignty within the Hierarchy of British Law. The men & women who have sworn oaths to uphold authority and keep peace & fairness within the land of the United Kingdom. This video explains the oath of the Police Officer. “


Heathcote Williams: Royal Babylon (rough cut) and others

For those of you who may have missed this. Get a beer, Get comfy. Put the vid on full screen. Play. You probably wont like the subject matter but you’ll love the words & pictures. It was certainly one of the best 72 minutes of my life.

Royal Babylon – The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy

Film makers Alan Cox and Margaret Cox present a video polemic using a mix of media provocation.

Will Buckingham Palace look as solid in 2034 as it does now? Words are dangerous things remember. A Republic might be brought into being by a poem
Virginia Woolf in Time and Tide, 1st December 1934

Read the poem:
Vid from:
Home site:

A two part documentary on Williams’ life:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Wikipedia entry:

Whale Nation (Lyrical litanies)


I Will Not Pay Taxes Until



Message to the Voting Cattle – Larken Rose

Please watch/listen.

“What you hear in this video is from the audiobook of “The Iron Web,” a novel I wrote years ago. (The printed book and audiobook are at These are the words of a fictional character in the book, and he says quite a bit more. And yes, the character is rather harsh in his condemnation of state-worship, but for a reason. If you have the story context of who is saying it, where, when, and why, some of it makes more sense. Many thanks to FreiwilligFrei for making this video.”
Larken Rose

This video is a US-version of the video “Nachricht an das Stimmvieh”, produced by, a german group of bloggers and activists. focuses on voluntarism and the philosophy of freedom.

The „rulers” actually don’t matter. They are vastly outnumbered by the people like you and me. The problem is those who legitimate the “rulers” with their votes, remaining silent when the “rulers” commit evils in their names.

Most of them do not feel bad about that. Many of them even cheer and applaud to their “rulers” and they defend the crimes they commit.

Larken Rose is looking for answers to this absurd behaviour and blames the concept of authority. From early childhood most people are conditioned to listen to authority when they try to figure out what is right and what is wrong instead of listening to their own hearts, their own conscience and their own moral values.

As adults they see everyone as a „good person” who blindly obeys any random authority. And in their pursuit of becoming such a „good person” they will use every means. In particular they love to oppose violently against those who stand up for true freedom.

Larken Rose sums it up in one sentence:

“The problem is not those in power, the problem is right between your ears.”

Vid from:


North Korean film exposes Western Propaganda

Well worth viewing. Nice to see an ‘outsider’s’ way of looking at us..


” On a trip to visit family in Seoul in April, I was approached by a man and a woman who claimed to be North Korean defectors. They requested a meeting the following day to hand over a film that needed to be translated, and I agreed to meet with them. They presented me with a DVD disc that recently came into their possession via the recent arrival of a defector into their group. They asked me to translate the film and “make sure the world saw it” and an agreement was made to protect their identities (and mine). Despite my concerns about what I was viewing when I returned home, I proceeded to translate and post the film on You Tube because of the film’s extraordinary content. I have made public my belief that this film was never intended for a domestic audience in the DPRK. Instead, I believe the ‘defectors’ specifically targeted me because of my reputation as a translator and interpreter. Furthermore, I now believe these people work for the DPRK. The fact that I have continued to translate and post the film in spite of this belief does not make me complicit in their intention to spread their ideology. I chose to keep posting this film because – regardless of who made it – I believe people should see it for the issues it raises, and I stand by my right to keep sharing and discussing this film.


If you have questions for me or want to discuss the content further, please go to:


Jobs and War

Seems so appropriate just now –

  • youngster finding it difficult to get a first job,
  • indebted graduates ending up working in call centres,
  • us older-timers have to work till they’re 70,
  • privatisation of constabularies,
  • private security/mercenary firms recruiting  for the Olympic Games,
  • war on the horizon with Iran and Syria.



Remember: An alternative view of Memorial Day



The Jones Plantation: how we take part in our own enslavement

Vid from:


One cannot change reality by changing the words you use to describe reality. Look beneath the rhetoric, and glimpse the truth.


Etymology: Government


I checked out the following. Tis true.






The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!


Video from:

By: Stefan Molyneux

” George Orwell wrote that, “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.”

You have probably heard confusing phrases like the trade deficit, the falling dollar, the national debt, unfunded liabilities and so on, which all sound vague and actuarial and vaguely – well, “not me.”

The reality behind these accounting phrases is perfectly monstrous.

When someone — a foreigner, say — loans money to the American government, what are they getting in return?

Well, they are getting promises of interest payments, and eventual repayment of the principal.

Where does your government get this money?

The government is not a business; it does not generate profits in the free market, so where does it get the money to repay its creditors?

Do you see where this is going?

Are you beginning to understand that it is not dollars that are being sold, or bonds, or agency debt, or treasuries, or anything like that.

Where is your government going to get the money to pay off its creditors?

It is not pieces of paper or contracts or computer bits that are being sold.

There is only one thing that the government has to sell.

Governments have only one asset that they can use as collateral.

Your leaders are selling you.

When China lends $800 billion to your government, what they get in return is a guarantee that $10,000 dollars — plus interest — will be taken from your family at gunpoint and shipped overseas.

When a farmer gets a loan from a bank, he uses his livestock as collateral. It is the milk and meat his cows will produce in the future that he will use to pay off his loan.

The bank is buying a share in his cows.

You are the livestock your leaders use as collateral.

The people that you cheer for and throw parades for and drop balloons behind and donate money to are selling you to Chinese rulers, to the Japanese, to the Nigerians, to South American drug lords with accounts in the Caribbean banking centers, to Russia, to Korea, to Egypt, to Colombia, to Chile, to the Philippines, to Malaysia — and anyone else who is willing to give them a few dollars in return for the blood, sweat and toil of your future.

The flag that you praise and the anthems that you sing and the rulers that you weep and kneel before have as much loyalty to you as a plantation owner had to his slaves.

And sadly, plantation slaves had more pride than we do.

Plantation slaves did not generally praise their masters for selling them off, for auctioning off the lives, hopes, dreams and futures of their own little children.

We can understand that cattle may lick the hand of the farmer who lowers an axe to its neck, because cattle are dumb beast that cannot comprehend their real relationship with the farmer, and his imminent plans for them.

What is our excuse?

When we chant “USA” “USA” “USA,” when we cheer and bow and beg and scrape and sing and weep with joy that some new farmer now presides over the wholesale dismantling and sale of our family’s future, when we love with obsessive emptiness the leaders who laugh while they auction us off to every tin pot dictator and stockbroker the world over, what is our excuse?

Has our pride been so broken that we lunge with pathetic joy at every new silver tongued demagogue who pretends to care for us, even a tiny little bit?

In the future, our children will ask why we knelt and cheered as they were sold on the auctioneer’s block.

This video — and my life’s work – is my answer to my child.

What’s yours? “


Jubilee 2012: Not what you think and starts 5th November 2012

Got to reblog this. Please watch.


Video from:

The Flyer (


During a Jubilee year, it is REQUIRED under The Law, that:
with the wealth and land redistributed and returned to the people
(Leviticus 25:10), thereby eliminating poverty (Deuteronomy 15:4).

Are you tired of being a debt slave to the war criminal banksters and their war criminal puppet politicians, who steal from you, whilst doing NOTHING to protect you and your family’s freedom, safety and prosperity?

Looking around us, we can all see now that things just keep getting worse… Economic collapse. Increasing poverty, crime and injustice. Senseless wars, strange diseases and disasters. False flag events THEY* orchestrate, such as 9/11, and 7/7, all rapidly leading us to WW3 and Armageddon. The only logical conclusion that can be made when considering these facts, is that staying the course down this current path of self-destruction will not lead to survival.

There is a very simple solution to ALL of this. In fact, it is the ONLY solution.The Perfect Royal Law of Liberty, which was given to us by the Ruler of The Universe (God), forbids men from legislating all these evil rules that benefit the richest 1% at the expense of the remaining 99%… i.e. YOU (Deuteronomy 4:2). This, the ONLY TRUE Law of the land, is exactly the same Law that Elizabeth swore in her Coronation Oath, to maintain and uphold to the UTMOST of her power.

The Perfect Law of Liberty
(God’s Laws)

The ONLY solution, is to get rid of all this false legislation designed by the rich, to keep them in power whilst enslaving the rest of us and return to The Law given to us by The Ruler of the Universe (God) for our protection from evil, and His Law ONLY, under which ALL DEBTS ARE TO BE CANCELLED. Returning to God’s Law is the only option if you want to survive. That’s the truth.

NOTHING else will set you free.

Step 1: Please pass this message on to all of your friends, family and neighbours.
Step 2: See “The Nazi Banksters’ Crimes Ripple Effect” on the internet today. It’s free.

Who REALLY won WW2? The answer may surprise you.

Step 3: Plan to occupy Parliament on November 5 th 2012 and support Muad’Dib in declaring a year of Jubilee to end our debt-slavery, and let us all come prepared to stay for as long as it takes.

It is time for millions of us, to take full responsibility for our actions & circumstances, unite and peacefully gather at the Houses of Parliament in London – on the 5 th of November 2012 – to support Muad’Dib in declaring a Year of Jubilee, to cancel all debts and end the corruption and treason, making this a day that present and future generations will never forget.

Recently found innocent by a Jury of regular people, after being wrongfully arrested, falsely and maliciously imprisoned for over 150 days for making His “7/7 Ripple Effect” film and defending innocent people, Muad’Dib is back with TRUE and exact justice for all.

Cutting to the root of the problem, with the only solution. Come be a part of this historic event.

* The Hierarchy Enslaving You – THEY.

Get this flyer: