Category Archives: Thought Crimes

US government proposes law making it illegal for them to kill you

Madness indeed.

Vid from:

See also:


US government proposes law making it illegal for them to kill you

Last Friday, US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357, a bill which aims to ‘prohibit the extrajudicial killing of United States citizens’ by the federal government. In other words, in the Land of the Free, they need to pass a law to prevent the government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

Now if this doesn’t give one reason to pause and consider the distortions of liberty that have taken place in western civilization, I don’t know what will. Think about it:

Does a free society send government hit men to eliminate anyone they perceive to be an enemy of the state?

Does a free society have hundreds of police agencies, each with the authority to deprive a man of his life, liberty and property in their sole discretion?

Does a free society have hundreds of thousands of laws, codes, rules, regulations, and policies which effectively criminalize nearly every aspect of one’s existence?

Does a free society lead the world in prison population?

Does a free society hunt down criminals and terrorists by treating its citizens like criminals and terrorists?

Does a free society tell its citizens what foods they are / are not allowed to consume?

Does a free society steal your money at gunpoint to buy bombs that they drop by remote control on brown people in faraway lands?

Does a free society debase its currency and plunder the purchasing power of its citizens?

Does a free society saddle unborn generations with obligations they never signed up to bear?

Does a free society award near total control of the economy, the money supply, and everything tied to it, to a tiny elite few?

Does a free society brainwash its citizens into believing that they live in a free society? (at least the Chinese know they’re not free…)

Ask yourself, are you really living in a free society? Are you free? If not, why not? What else could possibly be more important?

It takes courage to answer honestly. But once you realize the truth and begin to see the system for what it is, it can be a liberating and life-changing experience.

You’ll find that there are places where you can live free in this world. There are ways to preserve your dignity, your privacy, your livelihood. You’ll find that you can build great camaraderie and mutual trust with like-minded souls because you share the same values, not the same color passport.

My guess is that you’re reading this because you’ve already started down the road to freedom. But you might feel alone… intellectually isolated in a sea of automatons.

You’re not alone. More and more people are waking up every day and beginning to realize the incredible fraud that has been perpetrated against them. When enough of them figure it out, this system will be finished.

That’s why I fundamentally believe that today is one of the most exciting times to be alive since the French Revolution. And we’re just getting warmed up.

If you have any friends or loved ones who still exemplify that self-deluded, bombastic serf mentality, I encourage you to pass this along to them… and challenge them to answer honestly.


Message to the Voting Cattle – Larken Rose

Please watch/listen.

“What you hear in this video is from the audiobook of “The Iron Web,” a novel I wrote years ago. (The printed book and audiobook are at These are the words of a fictional character in the book, and he says quite a bit more. And yes, the character is rather harsh in his condemnation of state-worship, but for a reason. If you have the story context of who is saying it, where, when, and why, some of it makes more sense. Many thanks to FreiwilligFrei for making this video.”
Larken Rose

This video is a US-version of the video “Nachricht an das Stimmvieh”, produced by, a german group of bloggers and activists. focuses on voluntarism and the philosophy of freedom.

The „rulers” actually don’t matter. They are vastly outnumbered by the people like you and me. The problem is those who legitimate the “rulers” with their votes, remaining silent when the “rulers” commit evils in their names.

Most of them do not feel bad about that. Many of them even cheer and applaud to their “rulers” and they defend the crimes they commit.

Larken Rose is looking for answers to this absurd behaviour and blames the concept of authority. From early childhood most people are conditioned to listen to authority when they try to figure out what is right and what is wrong instead of listening to their own hearts, their own conscience and their own moral values.

As adults they see everyone as a „good person” who blindly obeys any random authority. And in their pursuit of becoming such a „good person” they will use every means. In particular they love to oppose violently against those who stand up for true freedom.

Larken Rose sums it up in one sentence:

“The problem is not those in power, the problem is right between your ears.”

Vid from:


Roger Hayes: Update from Danny Bamping (2012-07-05)

I’m reposting this (from: by Sam Bamford).

Vid from:

Danny Bamping is:, and


Roger Hayes Arrested, Tried In Secret Court & Imprisoned

See the original article from:


Back in early February 2012, Roger gave a talk on the Lawful Bank to Manchester We Are Change (see:

At about 1:13:19 I stated obvious: “You’re the ringleader – THEY’ll do you in.”.

Well, it seems like THEY are trying to start the process.


Britain: Most intrusive surveillance regime in the West

Vid from:

” The UK has found another way to snoop into its citizens’ affairs. Internet and phone companies are set to install so-called ‘black boxes’, which will monitor e-mails, social networking activity and calls, and store data for a year. The authorities insist that only limited details will be kept, but activists are raising privacy concerns. “


” Internet privacy issues are again in the spotlight as a controversial bill is debated in London’s Parliament. Its adoption will allow the UK government to spy on what Brits write and post online.

While authorities say the Communications Data Bill creates a so-called ‘intelligence picture’, critics and lawmakers fear the bill will build a totalitarian online regime in the UK. If adopted, the bill will grant British intelligence full access to UK citizens’ web communications – secret services will be able to monitor who is talking to whom, when, and where in the country.

The UK Home Office says ‘communications data’ will only gather information about the sender and recipient of a piece of communication such as an email or instant message, but not the content of the communication.The architects of the legislation claim the idea is to protect the public against crimes like terrorism and child abuse.

‘Black boxes’ will be installed by internet services providers to filter & decode encrypted materials – including social media and email messages, something which critics say will have an impact on personal privacy.

“As written, it gives the Secretary of State far too broad a power. It allows data collection exercises that are perfectly reasonable – but would also allow pervasive black boxes that would monitor every online information flow; an idea which is clearly unacceptable,” Julian Huppert, the Liberal Democrat MP has told the Financial Times.

Internet freedom activists fear this latest infringement on personal liberties will not provide more security.

Web advocate, Aaron Swartz warned RT “either a rogue guy, ISP employees, rogue government officials or hackers [would] just break into the ISP and steal all this personal information.”

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) already grants UK law enforcement the ability to monitor ISP and website phone and email records, but the new document would ensure that all providers keep tabs on their users.

Swartz has told RT the new proposal will be “almost like opening up every letter sent through the post office so the government can make a copy – ‘just in case’.”

UK taxpayers will pick up the estimated £1.8bn cost of the new programme over the next 10 years.

The UK government is creating a massive risk for every citizen and business in the country with such a move, believes Jim Killock, executive director of the Open Rights Group.

“If you collect all of this information in one place and then create a sort of secret somewhat protected door for law enforcement to go and view the data and to make queries, then you set that door up to be broken into for absolutely anybody on the Internet,” he told RT. “And that means that there are going to be a lot of people from governments through to criminal gangs who would start thinking ‘this could be really, really useful to us, why don’t we have a go at it.’”


The Jones Plantation: how we take part in our own enslavement

Vid from:


One cannot change reality by changing the words you use to describe reality. Look beneath the rhetoric, and glimpse the truth.


10 Reasons why the Olympics is something worth protesting against


  1. THE OLYMPICS WILL SHOW OFF OUR CITY TO THE WORLD. But it doesn’t. The Olympic Marathon had its route moved to Pall Mall because Tower Hamlets, the poorest borough in London, doesn’t quite make the right impression.

  2. THE OLYMPICS WILL BENEFIT LONDONERS WITH JOBS. It depends. Not people affected by the Games – only 25% of the Olympics workforce are from the five Olympic boroughs. However, Atos Origin, who run the volunteering scheme, are generating colossal profits from contracts. They’re less charitable to their workforce, who won’t get a penny for their time and energy.

  3. THE OLYMPICS WILL BENEFIT LOCAL BUSINESS. When the Athlete’s Village is turned into homes it will become part of the Stratford City development, now wholly owned by Westfield (after they bought out the other shareholders). Residents can look forward to having their environment controlled at the whim of a corporation whose reason for being is to sell stuff. Local business doesn’t really stand a chance in the long run.

  4. THE OLYMPICS WILL CREATE MORE HOUSING. Yes, if you can afford them! The rest of the site is being given over to homes is being developed by the Mayoral Development Company, Olympic Park Legacy Company. They promise 11,000 new homes, and 35% of them will be affordable. Only 675 of them will be social housing though, so if you’re on the list in Newham get ready to wait. The average wait is around 10 years. Previous Olympic cities, like Barcelona, Sydney and Seoul, have seen huge rises in property prices, forcing local families out of their neighbourhoods. This is already happening in London and thanks to confidentially agreements with the London Organising Committee of the Olympics and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) you won’t hear about it in the media.

  5. THE OLYMPICS WILL CREATE MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Well, not quite. Huge swathes of London roads will become dedicated ‘VIP lanes’ during the Games. Thousands will struggle to get to work for the whole 10 weeks. There has been little word on how much the public will have to be in fare increases in future years. The DLR extension is finished but the new (old) platforms at Stratford International have been rebuilt out of wood. The cable car (officially the Emirates Air Line) that goes from not-quite-the-o2 to not-quite-the-ExCeL centre might be finished by the time the games happen. Nobody wants to say if it’ll be ready or not. But at least it’s only costing the taxpayer £24million in exchange for Emirates to get their logo on tube maps for the next decade

  6. THE OLYMPICS WILL MAKE THE CITY A SAFER PLACE TO BE. Well, yes, they are sending in the army and putting missiles on tops of peoples homes, then forgetting to guard them. You’ll be monitored the whole time by hundreds of security personnel, CTV and flying drones developed for use in Afghanistan. Stratford is set to be the guinea pig for yet more oppressive surveillance tactics. Studies show that CCTV does little to reduce crime, but a lot to create a climate of fear. The police also have a new temporary police station built on Wanstead Flats. Although planning permission was only sought for a temporary structure, its been constructed as a permanent building – stealing a large chunk of public green space enjoyed by local residents for centuries.

  7. THE OLYMPICS WILL BE THE GREENEST GAMES EVER. Not quite. The Olympic Park is built on a former landfill site. Excavations have disturbed buried toxic chemicals, spreading them into the land. Radioactive thorium from an old watch factory has also seeped into the water table. DOW Chemical, the company that bought Union Carbide (responsible for the as yet to be cleaned up Bhopal disaster) are major sponsors. Plus BP is the Olympics official sustainability partner. Their involvement in the Tar Sands is a glowing indicator of their lack of commitment to ecological sustainability and social justice.

  8. THE OLYMPICS IS AN INVESTMENT IN LONDON’S FUTURE. We’ll it is quite an investment. £9.3bn, according to the Olympics Quarterly Economic Report in May 2011. The original estimate in 2005? £2.4bn according to the Labour government. The most recent figure doesn’t include costs associated with the acquisition of land, remediation, government departments and quango spending. 10% of the cost for the Olympics will come from Londoner’s taxes and 67% from national taxes.

  9. THE OLYMPICS WILL PROMOTE DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH. We’ll it will certainly be promoting many things through its corporate sponsorship deals. LOCOG are interested in protecting their benevolent sponsors but seem to have little interest in anyone else’s freedom of speech or expression, even handing out ASBO’s to anyone opposing the games. Their crack team of branding Police will be enforcing laws expecially drawn up for the olympics which are far more stringent than any other copywrite law. With everything from an “Official chocolate bar of the Olympic Games” through to banning anyone using the words “olympics’, “2012”, “Summer Games” “Twenty Twelve” and many more, the games is more than anything an experiment in extending corporate control of social life.

  10. THE OLYMPICS WILL INSPIRE A NEW GENERATION. It will but the International Olympics Committee isn’t only interested in inspiring future athletes. It’s going for the gold and hoping to inspire as many people as possible to buy more stuff. It’s not quite clear what kind of future taxpayers are being asked to invest in. It seems to be one that favours a particular London vista – Pall Mall, oppression, privatization and the erosion of public space.

We’re not opposed to the sports events, and we’re all in favour of having a big party – but only if everyone’s invited.

See also and


Edward Bernays: Propoganda (Book)

The ideologies which gave structure to The Invisible Government(s).


Propaganda is a 1928 book by Edward Bernays. It argued that the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in society:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. […] In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons […] who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

His book is available at:

Video from:


UK government preparing email and internet surveillance legislation

The Parasites That Be (TPTB) don’t want us to to know about their corruptions and how they terrorise us. Now they want to ‘protect’ us some more. Thin end of the wedge towards totalitarianism.

Doesn’t existing statutes already allow for selected monitoring anyway?


Ministers are preparing a major expansion of the government’s powers to monitor the e-mail exchanges and website visits of every person in the UK.

Under legislation expected in next month’s Queen’s Speech, internet companies will be instructed to install hardware enabling GCHQ – the government’s electronic “listening” agency – to examine “on demand” any phone call made, text message and e-mail sent, and website accessed in “real time”, it was reported yesterday.

A previous attempt to introduce a similar law was abandoned by the former Labour government in 2006 in the face of fierce opposition.

The Home Office confirmed that ministers were intending to legislate “as soon as parliamentary time allows”.

“It is vital that police and security services are able to obtain communications data in certain circumstances to investigate serious crime and terrorism and to protect the public. …

Nick Pickles, director of the Big Brother Watch campaign group, said: “This is an unprecedented step that will see Britain adopt the same kind of surveillance seen in China and Iran.

“This is an absolute attack on privacy online and it is far from clear this will actually improve public safety, while adding significant costs to internet businesses.

Shami Chakrabarti, director of the civil rights group Liberty, said that both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats had resisted the plan when they were in opposition.

“There is an element of whoever you vote for the empire strikes back,” she said. “This is more ambitious than anything that has been done before. It is a pretty drastic step in a democracy.”

Senior Tory backbencher David Davis said the proposals represented an unnecessary extension of the power of the state to “snoop” on its citizens.


Police State: Brazilian Schoolchildren

Not ‘tough on truancy and tough on the causes of truancy’. More like an excuse to ‘we’ll start with the kids first’.

Further to the last posting ( more ways of monitoring the chattel of The Parasites That Be.

Wont be long before Nick Rockefeller gets his wish to micro-chipped all of us.


(Image from:

Brazilian schoolchildren forced to wear tracking chips to combat truancy

Those who worry about technology eroding human rights have long predicted that it’s only a matter of time until a person’s every movement is tracked by the authorities. Now that time has come – with 20,000 Brazilian schoolchildren being “chipped.”

Children up to the age of 14 have had electronic chips implanted into their uniforms in the north-eastern city of Vitoria da Conquista. Authorities say the tracking devices will provide an easy way to combat truancy.

The students’ whereabouts are fed into a central computer when school starts. Staff are informed immediately if the child is absent, and if any student is still absent 20 minutes after lessons begin, parents receive a text message to their phones.

City education secretary Coriolano Moraes says the innovation, which cost the government $670 thousand to design, is aimed at helping parents.

“We noticed that many parents would bring their children to school but would not see if they actually entered the building because they always left in a hurry to get to work,” he told the Associated Press news agency.

But if a student misses school three times, the parents will be brought in to explain. If they fail to provide a sufficient explanation, they may be reported to the authorities, according to Moraes.

The chips are customarily placed on the inside of a sleeve, underneath an inscription that reads: “Education does not transform the world. Education changes people and people transform the world.”

Local authorities say the devices cannot be tampered with or damaged during laundry or ironing.

They are set to become compulsory in all schools in Vitoria da Conquista – and far beyond – next year, according to Moraes, “I believe we may be setting a trend because we have received many requests from all over Brazil for information on how our system works,” he said.

Image from: and