Category Archives: Women

Anne and Hollie Grieg: 10am, Royal Courts Of Justice 2012-03-02

This Friday, the 2nd March, Anne and Hollie Grieg are back in court in their continuing struggle to prevent Shropshire Social Services from removing Hollie from her mother.



What if you found yourself in the same position, how would you react, how would you get the help you needed… think about that whilst you watch the attached video.

Put yourself in their shoes for just two minutes.

There are now more than 10,000 children a year taken by the state with little more than heresay, lies or made up testimony to justify it. You really have to ask why, considering that many go missing whilst in their care, many it is suggested to child trafficking.

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), the sole government agency to produce reports on child trafficking, has disbanded its child trafficking unit with no plans to replace it.

Watch the video and imagine it was your nightmare, not theirs. Now put yourself in their shoes and think about what you can do to help.

This video needs to be posted as far and wide as we possibly can. In every blog, on every forum, in every comments section of every newspaper and magazine, on every mobile phone and wherever else you have access, because this problem is reaching epidemic proportions in the UK.