Category Archives: Oil

Keep Asking: “When did The Crown get ownership?”

The North Will Rise Again.


The Simple Question: When did Shetland become part of Scotland? – and what it means to you,  wherever you are.

The intent of this website is entirely serious, but there’s no harm in having a little fun along the way.

There’s lots of bad stuff going on – and getting worse as the Powers That Were slowly lose their grip. This site is not interested in breaking the existing system – it’s already broken and doesn’t need our help to finally collapse. In Forvik we’re setting up a society run by rules that people want to live by. Members from all over the world are contributing to what will provide a model by which societies worldwide can work. This is just the beginning, but watch what can be achieved in 12 months time.

Forvik is Shetland in microcosm. Shetland’s unique history gives it the opportunity to challenge big government and Forvik is leading the way.

The whole of the UK government’s authority in Shetland rests on the assumption that Shetland is part of Scotland. My research since 2002 into Shetland’s unique history leads me to the inescapable conclusion that it never happened – and that it could never have happened.

If I am right (and so far, nobody has proved me wrong), the implications are simply huge.

  • It means that the UK government never had the right to appropriate Shetland’s seabed and license oil companies to extract the oil.
  • It means they never had the authority to use Shetland’s fisheries as a bargaining chip to enter the EEC.
  • It means that Shetland has been subject to a massive fraud perpetrated at the highest level for hundreds of years.
  • It means that Shetland could not have been incorporated into the UK, let alone the EU.
  • It means that the people of Shetland have the right to decide what relationship they have with Scotland, The United Kingdom and The European Union.
  • It means that every Shetland land-owner stands above the Queen in Shetland.

See also:


Free Speech – FKN Newz 2012-03-08

Deek does again.


Topics include:

  • Free Speech: This is a right that you have anyway. The Parasites That Be (TPTB) don’t give a flying fig if their slaves (you) have it or not. They ignore you anyway.
  • Climate Change: Durban Climate Change Convention (a gathering of scientists and national ‘representatives’ will) KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT – endlessly. Climate change is true – it’s a naturally-ocurring phenomenon. Rising sea levels and rising temperatures aren’t happening just now. However, TPTB will tax you to ‘tackle’ it.
  • Rush Limbaugh: Right-wing (U.S.A.) radio broadcaster and agent-provocateur comes undone after calling students who use contraceptives “sluts” (tens of major corporates have cancelled their advertising).
  • Vlad Putin: Accusations of rigged elections and approval by other world ‘leaders’.
  • Gorilla DNA: Cambridge researchers are comparing human and gorilla DNA to work out why humans are stupid and gorillas are happy.
  • Song interlude: “Crazy World”.
  • Dead British Soldiers: Six soldiers sacrificed to the Arms Trade (and the oil & gas industry). Hey, it’s a war. What did you expect?

Iran, the Dollar, Oil, New Year and Qaddafi,

Anyone remember that “Qaddafi was also working to change payment for Libya’s oil away from the US dollar to the gold African dinar. This move prompted Sarkozy to call Libya ‘a threat to the financial security of Mankind’.” (

Recent history repeating itself.



Iran Is Celebrating the New Year by Ditching the Dollar

March 20th is a holiday in Iran.  It is called NOWRUZ and it’s the equivalent of New Year’s Day.  On the Iranian calendar it ties in with the vernal equinox (the first day of spring).  The holiday’s roots are based in the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism and it is considered the biggest holiday of the year in the country.

Generally the Persian New Year is celebrated by a symbolic purging of the home and spiritual representation of creation and fertility.  Families get together and traditional feasts are consumed. 

This year, though Iran is doing something a little different to celebrate the New Year and the result may be fireworks of a less than celebratory nature.

This year Iran is changing it’s policy for payment of oil.  Iran will not longer accept the US dollar and will be looking for other currencies and commodities instead.

Since 1971, OPEC oil has been exclusively quoted in dollars.  Because of this oil (aka gasoline) is currently cheaper in the United States than in any other country in the world.

Since the IRAN OIL BOURSE opened in 2005, Iran has been actively seeking alternative currencies and commodities in trade for the oil produced there.  The Bourse has directly approached Japan, Russia and China to negotiate payments in other currencies.

Not coincidentally, in 2005, the same time the Iran Oil Bourse was formed, George Bush began imposing sanctions on Iran via EXECUTIVE ORDER 13382 – Blocking Property of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators and Their Supporters.

In 2010 the United States increased its efforts to force Iran’s compliance by passing the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010.  This increased all sanctions that had currently been passed in an effort to cripple the Iranian economy.  Sanctions included punishing large investors in Iran’s petroleum business, punishing companies that traded with Iran by turning their oil into gasoline as well as companies providing shipping, insurance and financial services for the purpose of the import of gasoline into Iran, and prohibits other foreign exchange, banking and property transactions.

Basically, the US is behaving like an organized crime family and wants to put a stranglehold on the country’s economy, only allowing breath if Iran goes back to accepting the USD.  They say it’s because of nukes, though, because that is more socially acceptable.

The efforts of the United States seem to have only increased Iran’s efforts to be free of the US dollar.  Iran has set the date of March 20, 2012 as the day that they will only accept the yen, the rupee, the euro, the yuan and baskets of currency (currency portfolios).

This stand threatens to crumble the USD’s status as the world’s reserve currency, which could be the final nail in the coffin of the American economy. If the USD is no longer the OPEC measure for oil prices, we will no longer pay the lowest price in the world for gasoline.  Our already wheezing economy will collapse as the price of fuel sky-rockets, effectively increasing the price of everything else.

Of course, Americans don’t like sending their sons and daughters off to be killed in a war over money/oil.  That’s why the US is taunting Iran by flying surveillance aircraft in their airspace, sending troops to all surrounding areas and insinuating carriers into the Strait of Hormuz, Iranian waters, despite Iran’s calls for them to stop.

The United States is trying to trigger an incident that will allow a direct attack on Iran.  If they can’t trigger such an incident they may well create one and just blame it on Iran.  From our President we will hear speeches full of bluster and false patriotism.  The United States doesn’t want to look like the bad guy, so they are attempting to provoke a reaction from Iran by encroaching very uncomfortably on Iran’s space.  Our media propaganda machine is preparing us by informing us of the terrifying threat of Iran’s potential weapons of mass destruction.  This is all in an effort to get the American people behind this attack.

March 20 is approaching quickly and the United States is running out of time.  Iran has come up with ways to work around the US sanctions and is planning to claim independence from the USD on their new year.

The United States will assert dominance over Iran before this happens, and with alarming brutality – remember Bush’s shock and awe?  We’ll hear from the mainstream media that it’s for our own protection – that a terrorist act was committed against us by Iran – that a nuclear weapon has surfaced and is pointed our way – anything but the real reason.

As I discussed a couple of days ago, a  likely date for the attack is March 8, the Jewish holiday of vengeance Purim which also conveniently coincides with the FBI’s planned takedown of the internet.    The US, the wealthy, the bankers, AIPAC and the elite must stop Iran from making this change or the economy that is precariously stacked up like a pile of Jenga blocks will topple. The wealthy 1% has even more to lose than the rest of us.

Don’t be fooled.  It may be too late to stop this from happening but be aware of the real reason.

Again, the United States will be trading blood for oil.


The Real Truth of Wars – Dr. Dahlia Wasfi’s

I’ve a worse than crap Xmas Day – though, infinitely better than most people. I haven’t been murdered, bombed on, shot at, etc., etc. .


We have an obligation to every last victim of this illegal aggression because all of this carnage has been done in our name. Since World War II, 90% of the casualties of war are unarmed civilians. 1/3 of them children. Our victims have done nothing to us. From Palestine to Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia to wherever our next target may be, their murders are not collateral damage, they are the nature of modern warfare. They don’t hate us because of our freedoms. They hate us because every day we are funding and committing crimes against humanity. The so-called “war on terror” is a cover for our military aggression to gain control of the resources of western Asia.

This is sending the poor of this country to kill the poor of those Muslim countries. This is trading blood for oil. This is genocide, and to most of the world, we are the terrorists. In these times, remaining silent on our responsibility to the world and its future is criminal. And in light of our complicity in the supreme crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan, and ongoing violations of the U.N. Charter in International Law, how dare any American criticize the actions of legitimate resistance to illegal occupation.

Our so-called enemies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, our other colonies around the world, and our inner cities here at home, are struggling against the oppressive hand of empire, demanding respect for their humanity. They are labeled insurgents or terrorists for resisting rape and pillage by the white establishment, but they are our brothers and sisters in the struggle for justice. The civilians at the other end of our weapons don’t have a choice, but American soldiers have choices, and while there may have been some doubt 5 years ago, today we know the truth. Our soldiers don’t sacrifice for duty-honor-country, they sacrifice for Kellogg Brown & Root.

They don’t fight for America, they fight for their lives and their buddies beside them, because we put them in a war zone. They’re not defending our freedoms, they’re laying the foundation for 14 permanent military bases to defend the freedoms of Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum.

They’re not establishing democracy, they’re establishing the basis for an economic occupation to continue after the military occupation has ended. Iraqi society today, thanks to American “help” is defined by house raids, death squads, check-points, detentions, curfews, blood in the streets, and constant violence. We must dare to speak out in support of the Iraqi people, who resist and endure the horrific existence we brought upon them through our bloodthirsty imperial crusade. We must dare to speak out in support of those American war-resisters, the real military heroes, who uphold their oath to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, including those terrorist cells in Washington DC more commonly known as the Legislative, Executive & Judicial branches.

“If There Is No Struggle, There Is No Progress”

Frederick Douglass said

“Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are people who want crops without plowing the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both … but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

Every one of us, every one of us must keep demanding, keep fighting, keep thundering, keep plowing, keep speaking, keep struggling until justice is served. NO justice, NO peace.….


The Plan Of the Ruling Elite: WWIII

We do live in interesting times.



WWIII is not going to be an accident. It will not be caused by an unfortunate chain events that the U.S. struggles to avoid. It is a goal, a specific objective that must be reached in order to force a cultural shift that the population would otherwise never accept. It is only from this context that the events unfolding in the world right now make any sense.


Big oil companies vs. world

Saw this on: