Category Archives: Good News

Global actions to stop Crimes by Church and State will commence in one month


Audio from:

” Officials of the Vatican, the Crown of England and other accused parties will face summary banishment and trial commencing in exactly one month if they do not abide by ten measures issued to them on May 4.

This Urgent Action Alert calls upon just men and women everywhere to prepare themselves to launch church occupations, public protests, citizens’ arrests and other direct actions beginning on September 15. The purpose of these actions will be to disestablish and bring to justice criminal organizations and their officials that have harmed, killed or exploited children or committed other crimes against humanity.

Click here for a copy of our original ultimatum to the Vatican Incorporated and its chief executive officer, Joseph Ratzinger. The same ultimatum has been issued by us to over 150 officials of the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church of England, and United Church of Canada, the governments of Canada and Great Britain, and major pharmaceutical companies.

The ITCCS will lead this public campaign at the head of hundreds of volunteers and organizers in Canada, the United States, Ireland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain and Australia.

We urge the reader and our supporters everywhere to take the following five steps of preparedness:

1. Distribute an official ITCCS leaflet at Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Churches (Methodist-Presbyterian) in your community beginning Sunday, September 2. This leaflet will be issued to you by August 30.

2. Gather at least three to five other people to form a local ITCCS action group to regularly leaflet and hold protests and direct actions.

3. Volunteer to be a Citizen Juror in our International Common Law Court of Justice that will convene on September 15.

4. Arrange local media interviews and speaking engagements for ITCCS field organizer Kevin Annett.

5. Distribute this notice and all of our emails and You Tube broadcasts throughout your internet networks.

Please be clear that you will be acting within the Law when you confront churches and organizations that have harmed children and obstructed justice.

That is because after September 15, 2012, if these churches and other bodies do not respond to our Ultimatum they will be declared public enemies and will be banished from our communities. They will have lost all public and legal protection and their property will be considered free and open public space under common law jurisdiction. Their officials will face summary arrest and expulsion for aiding and protecting child rapists, and known offenders will be stripped of their office.

To enforce these actions, we are requiring that all police officers in these nine countries take a Public Oath of Service to help us protect the children of our communities by not protecting these criminal bodies, and by serving and enforcing subpoena and arrest warrants against church and corporate officials.

That is, we will be deputizing the police to obey and enforce their public oath of office, or stand down from their positions and be replaced by duly sworn Common Law Peace Officers.

Now is the time to take heart and unite in defence of our children and our liberty. We rely on each one of you to make real the hopes of the innocent.

Further updates and instructions will be issued by ITCCS Central on September 1.

The Elders, ITCCS Brussels

ITCCS Communique 15 August 2012 ”


Message to the Voting Cattle – Larken Rose

Please watch/listen.

“What you hear in this video is from the audiobook of “The Iron Web,” a novel I wrote years ago. (The printed book and audiobook are at These are the words of a fictional character in the book, and he says quite a bit more. And yes, the character is rather harsh in his condemnation of state-worship, but for a reason. If you have the story context of who is saying it, where, when, and why, some of it makes more sense. Many thanks to FreiwilligFrei for making this video.”
Larken Rose

This video is a US-version of the video “Nachricht an das Stimmvieh”, produced by, a german group of bloggers and activists. focuses on voluntarism and the philosophy of freedom.

The „rulers” actually don’t matter. They are vastly outnumbered by the people like you and me. The problem is those who legitimate the “rulers” with their votes, remaining silent when the “rulers” commit evils in their names.

Most of them do not feel bad about that. Many of them even cheer and applaud to their “rulers” and they defend the crimes they commit.

Larken Rose is looking for answers to this absurd behaviour and blames the concept of authority. From early childhood most people are conditioned to listen to authority when they try to figure out what is right and what is wrong instead of listening to their own hearts, their own conscience and their own moral values.

As adults they see everyone as a „good person” who blindly obeys any random authority. And in their pursuit of becoming such a „good person” they will use every means. In particular they love to oppose violently against those who stand up for true freedom.

Larken Rose sums it up in one sentence:

“The problem is not those in power, the problem is right between your ears.”

Vid from:


The Great TV Licence Scam

Samuel William has come to a decision ….

Vid from:

” Brought to you by ‘Truth You Can Wake Up To’.

A short film by Samuel William analysing the truth behind television licensing.

This film is intended as information and not guidance.

(update – this video was removed from youtube earlier this year because of eleged copyright infringement, I filed a counter-claim and won). “

See also:


Coming up: 7/7 Ripple Effect 2

Here’s the trailer for the Ripple Effect 2. The full film will be released on  the 7th anniversary of that fateful day –7th July 2012 (Saturday).

Direct link:



Protest: 2012-06-12 “Policing 2012 – Accountability & Results” Conference

Protest: 2012-06-12 “Policing 2012 – Accountability & Results” Conference

Via email:

” Following on from the very successful protest ‘ABOLISH THE IPCC’ CAMPAIGN4JUSTICE calls for a mass protest on the 12th of June outside the “Policing 2012 – ACCOUNTABILITY and RESULTS” conference.

We will be there from 9am through to 6pm, please make every effort to attend and express your concern. There are many speakers of note at this event including;

Participants will include (the delegates will be senior level police; CC’s and heads of authorities from most parts of the country):

  • police authorities
  • police forces
  • prison and probation service
  • national offender management service
  • central government departments & bodies
  • other local authorities, including county councils and unitary authorities
  • trade unions
  • academia
  • private, legal & voluntary sectors

High-profile speakers invited include:

  • Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP, Minister of State for Police
  • Martin Kettle, Associate Editor, Guardian – Chair
  • Paul McKeever, Chairman, Police Federation of England and Wales
  • Tom Winsor, Partner, White and Case
  • Derek Barnett, President, Police Superintendents Association
  • Drusilla Sharpling, CBE, HMIC
  • Sir Hugh Orde, President, Association of Chief Police Officers
  • Cllr Mark Burns-Williamson OBE, Chair, APA
  • Lord John Stevens, Chair, Independent Police Commission “

See also:


Critical Mass Radio

I’m from ‘The North’ (Leeds) and originally from Manchester (and proud of both). So it was good to learn that our local(ish) collegues are developing another alternative to the MSM.

“Critical Mass Radio kicks off on Monday 28th of May. Make sure you bookmark the station and spread the word to all your contacts.

A promotional video has been uploaded so please feel free to Farcebook it and spread to as many as possible.

CMR  is encouraging all awakened people to get involved – Turn off the telly and get listening and participating in this exciting venture for freedom.

Thanks for listening.”

Vid from:

A promo for Critical Mass Radio. CMR is a brand new internet radio station based in the North West of England. A station that is a platform for Awakened people who have seen through the lies and manipulations of the New World Order. Now it’s Our Turn!!!

The station start to officially broadcast from the 28th May 2012.

Tune in at

See also:


10 Reasons why the Olympics is something worth protesting against


  1. THE OLYMPICS WILL SHOW OFF OUR CITY TO THE WORLD. But it doesn’t. The Olympic Marathon had its route moved to Pall Mall because Tower Hamlets, the poorest borough in London, doesn’t quite make the right impression.

  2. THE OLYMPICS WILL BENEFIT LONDONERS WITH JOBS. It depends. Not people affected by the Games – only 25% of the Olympics workforce are from the five Olympic boroughs. However, Atos Origin, who run the volunteering scheme, are generating colossal profits from contracts. They’re less charitable to their workforce, who won’t get a penny for their time and energy.

  3. THE OLYMPICS WILL BENEFIT LOCAL BUSINESS. When the Athlete’s Village is turned into homes it will become part of the Stratford City development, now wholly owned by Westfield (after they bought out the other shareholders). Residents can look forward to having their environment controlled at the whim of a corporation whose reason for being is to sell stuff. Local business doesn’t really stand a chance in the long run.

  4. THE OLYMPICS WILL CREATE MORE HOUSING. Yes, if you can afford them! The rest of the site is being given over to homes is being developed by the Mayoral Development Company, Olympic Park Legacy Company. They promise 11,000 new homes, and 35% of them will be affordable. Only 675 of them will be social housing though, so if you’re on the list in Newham get ready to wait. The average wait is around 10 years. Previous Olympic cities, like Barcelona, Sydney and Seoul, have seen huge rises in property prices, forcing local families out of their neighbourhoods. This is already happening in London and thanks to confidentially agreements with the London Organising Committee of the Olympics and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) you won’t hear about it in the media.

  5. THE OLYMPICS WILL CREATE MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Well, not quite. Huge swathes of London roads will become dedicated ‘VIP lanes’ during the Games. Thousands will struggle to get to work for the whole 10 weeks. There has been little word on how much the public will have to be in fare increases in future years. The DLR extension is finished but the new (old) platforms at Stratford International have been rebuilt out of wood. The cable car (officially the Emirates Air Line) that goes from not-quite-the-o2 to not-quite-the-ExCeL centre might be finished by the time the games happen. Nobody wants to say if it’ll be ready or not. But at least it’s only costing the taxpayer £24million in exchange for Emirates to get their logo on tube maps for the next decade

  6. THE OLYMPICS WILL MAKE THE CITY A SAFER PLACE TO BE. Well, yes, they are sending in the army and putting missiles on tops of peoples homes, then forgetting to guard them. You’ll be monitored the whole time by hundreds of security personnel, CTV and flying drones developed for use in Afghanistan. Stratford is set to be the guinea pig for yet more oppressive surveillance tactics. Studies show that CCTV does little to reduce crime, but a lot to create a climate of fear. The police also have a new temporary police station built on Wanstead Flats. Although planning permission was only sought for a temporary structure, its been constructed as a permanent building – stealing a large chunk of public green space enjoyed by local residents for centuries.

  7. THE OLYMPICS WILL BE THE GREENEST GAMES EVER. Not quite. The Olympic Park is built on a former landfill site. Excavations have disturbed buried toxic chemicals, spreading them into the land. Radioactive thorium from an old watch factory has also seeped into the water table. DOW Chemical, the company that bought Union Carbide (responsible for the as yet to be cleaned up Bhopal disaster) are major sponsors. Plus BP is the Olympics official sustainability partner. Their involvement in the Tar Sands is a glowing indicator of their lack of commitment to ecological sustainability and social justice.

  8. THE OLYMPICS IS AN INVESTMENT IN LONDON’S FUTURE. We’ll it is quite an investment. £9.3bn, according to the Olympics Quarterly Economic Report in May 2011. The original estimate in 2005? £2.4bn according to the Labour government. The most recent figure doesn’t include costs associated with the acquisition of land, remediation, government departments and quango spending. 10% of the cost for the Olympics will come from Londoner’s taxes and 67% from national taxes.

  9. THE OLYMPICS WILL PROMOTE DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH. We’ll it will certainly be promoting many things through its corporate sponsorship deals. LOCOG are interested in protecting their benevolent sponsors but seem to have little interest in anyone else’s freedom of speech or expression, even handing out ASBO’s to anyone opposing the games. Their crack team of branding Police will be enforcing laws expecially drawn up for the olympics which are far more stringent than any other copywrite law. With everything from an “Official chocolate bar of the Olympic Games” through to banning anyone using the words “olympics’, “2012”, “Summer Games” “Twenty Twelve” and many more, the games is more than anything an experiment in extending corporate control of social life.

  10. THE OLYMPICS WILL INSPIRE A NEW GENERATION. It will but the International Olympics Committee isn’t only interested in inspiring future athletes. It’s going for the gold and hoping to inspire as many people as possible to buy more stuff. It’s not quite clear what kind of future taxpayers are being asked to invest in. It seems to be one that favours a particular London vista – Pall Mall, oppression, privatization and the erosion of public space.

We’re not opposed to the sports events, and we’re all in favour of having a big party – but only if everyone’s invited.

See also and


The Silver Bullet and The Silver Shield



Part 1

Vid 1 from:

My summary of vid 1:

  • Fear & Greed are the most powerful motivators for humans.
  • Having physical silver is the ‘bullet’ and the ‘shield’ against the banking elite in the post-dollar world.
  • The ruling elite do not care how we vote, spend, protest, etc. as long as we continue to pay our taxes.
  • We already pay for our own enslavement.
  • The elite will convert their paper money into real money such as silver.
  • Every single evil in this world is only possible through the elite’s debt-money system and the their control of our money, food, industries, government, media, natural resources, capital markets, military and ultimately YOU.
  • This control enables war, propaganda, police states, corruption, pollution, crimes, drug trade, disintegration of families, etc.
  • Imagine if we did not waste our efforts on debt, war and taxes.

Part 2

Vid 2 from:

My summary of vid 2:

  • Silver has been used as money throughout history.
  • Today, it is not used as money because it is not circulated but have value.
  • Metals are not actually worth anything in themselves. Their value is in the human effort to mine and process the ore (money is the crystallisation of labour).

Part 3

Vid 3 from:

My summary of vid 3:

  • 95% of all the gold ever mined is still in existence.
  • 95% of all the silver ever mined has been used or destroyed.
  • The elite own tonnes of gold and no silver.
  • Silver is usually mined as a by-product of other minerals and metals.
  • No central bank has silver to sell.
  • The silver market is very small compared to gold.

Part 4

Vid 4 from:

My summary of vid 4:

  • Silver is the most widely-used chemical next to oil.
  • Silver has more industrial uses than gold. Some of its uses cannot be substituted with other metals. Therefore its price is inelastic (unlike gold). That is, as its price rises, demand does not drastically reduce.
  • Govermenets do not have any reserves of silver to sell.
  • “Paper [money] is poverty. It is the ghost of money. It is not money itself” Thomas Jefferson.


There’s 10s of other vids in the playlist: at:


As a counterpoint, here’s a vid as to “Why silver and gold won’t protect you from the economic collapse that’s coming”.

Vid 5 from:

My summary of vid 5:

  • Gold and Silver will go up in price.
  • If you have cash, convert it to gold and silver, not paper investments.
  • The economic collapse will not happen overnight – rather over a number of years.
  • Ultimately we need tangible assets. That is: FOOD. You can’t eat gold or silver.
  • If/When the collapse happens, food will be the most precious commodity.
  • Food has its problems (suitable land, access to seeds, pests, water supply, theft/protection, etc.




Embrace The Punt



“DOZENS OF BUSINESSES in the Monaghan town of Clones are accepting the old Irish punt in a bid to boost the local economy.

Though it was replaced by the euro ten years ago, there is around €360 million in outstanding Irish notes and coins still in existence around the country, according to figures from the Central Bank.

Now the idea of one shopkeeper in Clones has spawned into a whole campaign in the town with over 40 shops, pubs, and other businesses getting involved by accepting customers’ old punts and giving them back change in euro vouchers which can be spent in other businesses in the town.

“My son, Ciaran, saw a documentary on the BBC about a town in Spain that had done it with the pesata and had had phenomenal success,” Tony Morgan, the owner of Lipton’s shop, told yesterday.

“It grew from there, we said we’d try that in the shop and see how it goes and from the business point of view it’s been very positive. I would have been laughed at initially but but once it started working…”

Now as part of the Embrace the Punt campaign, the businesses offer an exchange rate of IR£1 = €1.20.

The old money is taken by Morgan down to Dublin every month who exchanges it for euro at the old Central Bank rate of £IR1 = €1.27 with the difference going towards funding the campaign and local events. “

Vid from:

“Spend your old Irish Punts in Clones!

Yes you have read it properly, you can now use your Irish Punt in exchange for goods and services in Clones.

We are offering an exchance of IR£1.00 = €1.20.

If you don’t spend all your punts in one go, don’t worry, we will give you your change in euro vouchers which you can spend on another day!!”



Greece: Burning Banks

Here a wee vid showing “The worst riot damage in years has struck Greek cities as MPs pass harsh new austerity measures. Amateur video shows violent protests in central Volos, where a branch of one of Greece’s largest banks – Eurobank – was torched.”. (2012-05-13)

I was particularly impressed with some of the comments:

  • “one day all the banks all over the world will be on fire :)”
  • “Let the temples of the money-changers burn! Let the cradle of democracry become the grave of usury.”
  • “MESSAGE TO THE 99%. Let the globalisation of bank-burning commence!! They want a new world order, let’s fucking give them 1!!!!!”
  • “They got the money out first right?”

Video from: