Category Archives: Technology

The Great TV Licence Scam

Samuel William has come to a decision ….

Vid from:

” Brought to you by ‘Truth You Can Wake Up To’.

A short film by Samuel William analysing the truth behind television licensing.

This film is intended as information and not guidance.

(update – this video was removed from youtube earlier this year because of eleged copyright infringement, I filed a counter-claim and won). “

See also:


Britain: Most intrusive surveillance regime in the West

Vid from:

” The UK has found another way to snoop into its citizens’ affairs. Internet and phone companies are set to install so-called ‘black boxes’, which will monitor e-mails, social networking activity and calls, and store data for a year. The authorities insist that only limited details will be kept, but activists are raising privacy concerns. “


” Internet privacy issues are again in the spotlight as a controversial bill is debated in London’s Parliament. Its adoption will allow the UK government to spy on what Brits write and post online.

While authorities say the Communications Data Bill creates a so-called ‘intelligence picture’, critics and lawmakers fear the bill will build a totalitarian online regime in the UK. If adopted, the bill will grant British intelligence full access to UK citizens’ web communications – secret services will be able to monitor who is talking to whom, when, and where in the country.

The UK Home Office says ‘communications data’ will only gather information about the sender and recipient of a piece of communication such as an email or instant message, but not the content of the communication.The architects of the legislation claim the idea is to protect the public against crimes like terrorism and child abuse.

‘Black boxes’ will be installed by internet services providers to filter & decode encrypted materials – including social media and email messages, something which critics say will have an impact on personal privacy.

“As written, it gives the Secretary of State far too broad a power. It allows data collection exercises that are perfectly reasonable – but would also allow pervasive black boxes that would monitor every online information flow; an idea which is clearly unacceptable,” Julian Huppert, the Liberal Democrat MP has told the Financial Times.

Internet freedom activists fear this latest infringement on personal liberties will not provide more security.

Web advocate, Aaron Swartz warned RT “either a rogue guy, ISP employees, rogue government officials or hackers [would] just break into the ISP and steal all this personal information.”

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) already grants UK law enforcement the ability to monitor ISP and website phone and email records, but the new document would ensure that all providers keep tabs on their users.

Swartz has told RT the new proposal will be “almost like opening up every letter sent through the post office so the government can make a copy – ‘just in case’.”

UK taxpayers will pick up the estimated £1.8bn cost of the new programme over the next 10 years.

The UK government is creating a massive risk for every citizen and business in the country with such a move, believes Jim Killock, executive director of the Open Rights Group.

“If you collect all of this information in one place and then create a sort of secret somewhat protected door for law enforcement to go and view the data and to make queries, then you set that door up to be broken into for absolutely anybody on the Internet,” he told RT. “And that means that there are going to be a lot of people from governments through to criminal gangs who would start thinking ‘this could be really, really useful to us, why don’t we have a go at it.’”


Critical Mass Radio

I’m from ‘The North’ (Leeds) and originally from Manchester (and proud of both). So it was good to learn that our local(ish) collegues are developing another alternative to the MSM.

“Critical Mass Radio kicks off on Monday 28th of May. Make sure you bookmark the station and spread the word to all your contacts.

A promotional video has been uploaded so please feel free to Farcebook it and spread to as many as possible.

CMR  is encouraging all awakened people to get involved – Turn off the telly and get listening and participating in this exciting venture for freedom.

Thanks for listening.”

Vid from:

A promo for Critical Mass Radio. CMR is a brand new internet radio station based in the North West of England. A station that is a platform for Awakened people who have seen through the lies and manipulations of the New World Order. Now it’s Our Turn!!!

The station start to officially broadcast from the 28th May 2012.

Tune in at

See also:


Remember: An alternative view of Memorial Day



10 Reasons why the Olympics is something worth protesting against


  1. THE OLYMPICS WILL SHOW OFF OUR CITY TO THE WORLD. But it doesn’t. The Olympic Marathon had its route moved to Pall Mall because Tower Hamlets, the poorest borough in London, doesn’t quite make the right impression.

  2. THE OLYMPICS WILL BENEFIT LONDONERS WITH JOBS. It depends. Not people affected by the Games – only 25% of the Olympics workforce are from the five Olympic boroughs. However, Atos Origin, who run the volunteering scheme, are generating colossal profits from contracts. They’re less charitable to their workforce, who won’t get a penny for their time and energy.

  3. THE OLYMPICS WILL BENEFIT LOCAL BUSINESS. When the Athlete’s Village is turned into homes it will become part of the Stratford City development, now wholly owned by Westfield (after they bought out the other shareholders). Residents can look forward to having their environment controlled at the whim of a corporation whose reason for being is to sell stuff. Local business doesn’t really stand a chance in the long run.

  4. THE OLYMPICS WILL CREATE MORE HOUSING. Yes, if you can afford them! The rest of the site is being given over to homes is being developed by the Mayoral Development Company, Olympic Park Legacy Company. They promise 11,000 new homes, and 35% of them will be affordable. Only 675 of them will be social housing though, so if you’re on the list in Newham get ready to wait. The average wait is around 10 years. Previous Olympic cities, like Barcelona, Sydney and Seoul, have seen huge rises in property prices, forcing local families out of their neighbourhoods. This is already happening in London and thanks to confidentially agreements with the London Organising Committee of the Olympics and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) you won’t hear about it in the media.

  5. THE OLYMPICS WILL CREATE MORE PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Well, not quite. Huge swathes of London roads will become dedicated ‘VIP lanes’ during the Games. Thousands will struggle to get to work for the whole 10 weeks. There has been little word on how much the public will have to be in fare increases in future years. The DLR extension is finished but the new (old) platforms at Stratford International have been rebuilt out of wood. The cable car (officially the Emirates Air Line) that goes from not-quite-the-o2 to not-quite-the-ExCeL centre might be finished by the time the games happen. Nobody wants to say if it’ll be ready or not. But at least it’s only costing the taxpayer £24million in exchange for Emirates to get their logo on tube maps for the next decade

  6. THE OLYMPICS WILL MAKE THE CITY A SAFER PLACE TO BE. Well, yes, they are sending in the army and putting missiles on tops of peoples homes, then forgetting to guard them. You’ll be monitored the whole time by hundreds of security personnel, CTV and flying drones developed for use in Afghanistan. Stratford is set to be the guinea pig for yet more oppressive surveillance tactics. Studies show that CCTV does little to reduce crime, but a lot to create a climate of fear. The police also have a new temporary police station built on Wanstead Flats. Although planning permission was only sought for a temporary structure, its been constructed as a permanent building – stealing a large chunk of public green space enjoyed by local residents for centuries.

  7. THE OLYMPICS WILL BE THE GREENEST GAMES EVER. Not quite. The Olympic Park is built on a former landfill site. Excavations have disturbed buried toxic chemicals, spreading them into the land. Radioactive thorium from an old watch factory has also seeped into the water table. DOW Chemical, the company that bought Union Carbide (responsible for the as yet to be cleaned up Bhopal disaster) are major sponsors. Plus BP is the Olympics official sustainability partner. Their involvement in the Tar Sands is a glowing indicator of their lack of commitment to ecological sustainability and social justice.

  8. THE OLYMPICS IS AN INVESTMENT IN LONDON’S FUTURE. We’ll it is quite an investment. £9.3bn, according to the Olympics Quarterly Economic Report in May 2011. The original estimate in 2005? £2.4bn according to the Labour government. The most recent figure doesn’t include costs associated with the acquisition of land, remediation, government departments and quango spending. 10% of the cost for the Olympics will come from Londoner’s taxes and 67% from national taxes.

  9. THE OLYMPICS WILL PROMOTE DEMOCRACY AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH. We’ll it will certainly be promoting many things through its corporate sponsorship deals. LOCOG are interested in protecting their benevolent sponsors but seem to have little interest in anyone else’s freedom of speech or expression, even handing out ASBO’s to anyone opposing the games. Their crack team of branding Police will be enforcing laws expecially drawn up for the olympics which are far more stringent than any other copywrite law. With everything from an “Official chocolate bar of the Olympic Games” through to banning anyone using the words “olympics’, “2012”, “Summer Games” “Twenty Twelve” and many more, the games is more than anything an experiment in extending corporate control of social life.

  10. THE OLYMPICS WILL INSPIRE A NEW GENERATION. It will but the International Olympics Committee isn’t only interested in inspiring future athletes. It’s going for the gold and hoping to inspire as many people as possible to buy more stuff. It’s not quite clear what kind of future taxpayers are being asked to invest in. It seems to be one that favours a particular London vista – Pall Mall, oppression, privatization and the erosion of public space.

We’re not opposed to the sports events, and we’re all in favour of having a big party – but only if everyone’s invited.

See also and


Freedom of Information Act reforms proposed

Apologies for not posting recently – I work for a living.

From: (5 April 2012 Last updated at 23:38)

” The Freedom of Information Act could be reformed as the government finds the lack of privacy ‘paralysing’ and it costs almost £8m.

Newsnight’s Allegra Stratton reports on moves to charge for the information in an effort to reduce the number of requests.”


UK government preparing email and internet surveillance legislation

The Parasites That Be (TPTB) don’t want us to to know about their corruptions and how they terrorise us. Now they want to ‘protect’ us some more. Thin end of the wedge towards totalitarianism.

Doesn’t existing statutes already allow for selected monitoring anyway?


Ministers are preparing a major expansion of the government’s powers to monitor the e-mail exchanges and website visits of every person in the UK.

Under legislation expected in next month’s Queen’s Speech, internet companies will be instructed to install hardware enabling GCHQ – the government’s electronic “listening” agency – to examine “on demand” any phone call made, text message and e-mail sent, and website accessed in “real time”, it was reported yesterday.

A previous attempt to introduce a similar law was abandoned by the former Labour government in 2006 in the face of fierce opposition.

The Home Office confirmed that ministers were intending to legislate “as soon as parliamentary time allows”.

“It is vital that police and security services are able to obtain communications data in certain circumstances to investigate serious crime and terrorism and to protect the public. …

Nick Pickles, director of the Big Brother Watch campaign group, said: “This is an unprecedented step that will see Britain adopt the same kind of surveillance seen in China and Iran.

“This is an absolute attack on privacy online and it is far from clear this will actually improve public safety, while adding significant costs to internet businesses.

Shami Chakrabarti, director of the civil rights group Liberty, said that both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats had resisted the plan when they were in opposition.

“There is an element of whoever you vote for the empire strikes back,” she said. “This is more ambitious than anything that has been done before. It is a pretty drastic step in a democracy.”

Senior Tory backbencher David Davis said the proposals represented an unnecessary extension of the power of the state to “snoop” on its citizens.


Police State New Zealand


Someone once said that the first casualty of war is the Truth.

The Parasites That Be (TPTB) know that the unfettered sharing of information is their greatest threat to Global Goverance. The past 20 years has seen the growth of Internet – the greatest ‘equalising medium’. So, of course TPTB will seek ways in which to monitor and then control it.

New Zealand has now falling. The rest of the Pacific basin will soon follow.

Little by little the net closes around us all.



Search and Surveillance Bill passes

Opposition parties say New Zealand has been turned into a “police state” after Parliament last night narrowly passed the Government’s controversial Search and Surveillance Bill.

Parliament last night passed by the Bill by 61 votes to 57.

It was opposed by all Opposition parties and the Government’s support partner the Maori Party.

Greens MP Stefan Browning said the legislation put the powers exercised by police in its heavily criticised 2007 so-called “terror raids” in Ruatoki in the hands of many government agencies.

Those raids led to the trial of the Urewera Four, who a jury this week failed to reach a verdict on the police’s case they were part of an organised criminal group.

Browning told Parliament the law went too far.

“The evils of the Bill go to looking at people’s texts, their voice mails, bugs in cars, chat room videos.”

Thousands of innocent people could have their communications caught up in electronic monitoring, Browning said.

Mana Party leader Hone Harawira said 70 different government agencies could obtain surveillance warrants based on suspicion a crime could be committed.

“This Bill goes way beyond what they have in Europe, in Canada and even in the US.”

If someone was detained under the Bill, enforcement officers could search a person’s workplaces and friends, he told Parliament.

“You don’t have to be guilty of anything, you don’t even have to be to be arrested. You only have to be detained.”

Mana opposed the Bill because it led to a “police state”.

“Where the liberties and freedoms most of us now enjoy will disappear, where the powers of the police will be extended without the approval of the judiciary, where the powers of government agencies will assume more authority that the rights of ordinary New Zealanders and where there will be an assumption of guilt not only on an alleged offender but on anyone who knows that person.

“Where enforcement officers can bug your granddaughter’s phone, install a hidden camera in your daughter’s bathroom, download the files from your wife’s computer and steal your files without even having to prove a crime has been or will be committed.”

Justice Minister Judith Collins said the new law brought “order, certainty, clarity and consistency” to “messy, unclear and outdated” laws.

There were a number of safeguards in the legislation to balance law enforcement and investigation powers with human rights values.

“We have achieved the right balance between the need for effective and modern search and surveillance powers, and protecting the rights of citizens.”

The legislation was originally debated before the last election but concern about its wide-reaching powers saw it sent back to be redrafted.

A temporary “fix-it” law had been put in place until mid-April.

Collins said some of the law’s provision’s would come into effect on April 18 so the expiry of the Video Camera Surveillance (Temporary Measures) Act 2011 did not endanger ongoing investigations using covert video surveillance.

Image from:


Olympics 2012: Fun and Games and Body Scanners

That’s it, get ’em used to being it!



Body and bag scanners will screen visitors at London Live events during the Olympics, in airport-style safety checks that organisers say could take up to an hour.

The tight security will be in place at the Hyde Park and Victoria Park sites which will broadcast Olympic Games coverage on big screens and hold music and sport events from 27 July to 12 August.

John Probyn, chief operating officer for London Live’s promoter Live Nation, said: “The security services will search the sites a couple of days before we open and then we have to vouch for every person, item and every piece of equipment from that point on, so it effectively becomes a sealed site.”

Probyn said he hoped security checks would take less than one hour for visitors to pass through.

“Every person entering the site, including crew and artists, will either pass through a scanner or be searched,” he said.

Security company Showsec will manage the scanners and searches. Live Nation is working with the police and Showsec to plan the number of entrances and how visitors will be directed to the scanners.

“I’m hoping our staff will have more smiles on their faces than the staff you get greeted by at some airports,” Probyn said.


Vaccines: 30 year of government lies

We, the tax-paying people, are expected to abide by ‘laws’, rules, codes, regulations, statutes, etc..
Seems that The Parasites That Be don’t!
It really is lawless out there.


Via (with Thanks):

30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids
(Posted on March 14, 2012 by childhealthsafety)

An extraordinary new paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher has dug the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.

If you want to get an idea of who is responsible for your child’s condition resulting from a vaccine adverse reaction then this is the paper to read. What you have to ask yourself is if the people on these committees are honest and honourable and acting in the best interests of British children, how is it this has been going on for at least 30 year?

This is what everyone has always known but could never prove before now. Pass this information on to others so they can see what goes on in Government health committees behind locked doors.

We quote here from the author’s summary and the paper:

Deliberately concealing information from parents for the sole purpose of getting them to comply with an “official” vaccination schedule could be considered as a form of ethical violation or misconduct. Official documents obtained from the UK Department of Health (DH) and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) reveal that the British health authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole purpose of protecting the national vaccination program.

More at: