Template letter to Debt Collectors

10 Feb

The Land of the Free know ‘they’ don’t like it up ‘um. Here’s template letter for those  who are being chased by buyers of debt.


Notice to debt collectors (who purchase debt)

This is a bit of fun for those debt collectors who send their computer generated letters. It is a follow up to our Notices to debt collectors that work. Those debt collectors who purchase debt own the debt so heres a rough template. Make up your own additions and make sure they pay for the postage! You will track the managing directors of these companies down on Companies House. Redirect the mail to their Companies House address rather than the return address on the envelope.

                      Notice to: Name of managing director and company
Re: Littering of above property

A computer generated template arrived at the above address. The letter indicates some kind of contract with a person at this address.

There is no contract or account in existence between yourself or any known person at the above address, and it is believed that none exists.

There is no known contract between any known person at the above address or any of the companies for which you are solely responsible and it is believed that none exists.

As you are aware purchased debt is the sole responsibility of the purchaser.

As you are solely responsible for the purchase of debt you are also solely responsible for the the junk mail sent out by any of the above companies.

Any further junk mail from any of your associated companies will be sent directly back to you at your cost.

The Occupier


One response to “Template letter to Debt Collectors

  1. Jimmy

    2012-02-10 at 10:20

    CapQuest keep phoning me.

    I just abuse their staff as much as poss and have a laugh.


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